International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
Vol 1, No. 3, November 1998

Modulation of the galactic cosmic ray flux by cyclic variations of solar magnetic fields

Yu. R. Rivin

Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia

Received January 5, 1999



The analysis of cyclic variations of the galactic cosmic ray flux, large-scale solar magnetic fields, and interplanetary medium parameters suggests that the cyclic variations of the magnitude of the total solar magnetic field and its prolongation in the interplanetary space (the magnitude of interplanetary magnetic field) are the main origin of these variations. (One can neglect cyclic variations of the solar wind velocity and density in the models of this modulation.) It is suggested that the phase shift between cycles of the Wolf numbers and cosmic ray flux depends on the Wolf number cycle. The shift is due in a significant way to the polarity of the total magnetic field and complex structure of magnetic fields in the modulation origin. The interpretation of 22-, 5-, and 2-year variations of the flux is given.


Ground-based and near-Earth measurements of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) flux show its significant modulation by the 11-year cycle. This modulation has been still discovered in the beginning of the 1950s [Dorman, 1963], however, the mechanism of its generation is still obscure. It is believed to be related to the complex and many-aspect impact of the solar wind and irregularities of the interplanetary magnetic field "frozen" therein on the galactic ray flux ( P ) [Chirkov, 1986; Dorman, 1975; Dorman et al., 1969]. On the basis of the observations in three observatories, another interpretation of the source is proposed hereafter. The interpretation takes into account practical absence of any correlation between the variations of the annual mean values of P and solar wind dynamical parameters (plasma velocity and density), and also different phase shift between cycles of Wolf numbers W and P for even and odd cycles of W. In this analysis the data for large-scale solar magnetic fields were used. Taking into account these fields and discussing the results, we propose to use the cyclic variations of the magnitude of the total solar magnetic field B or interplanetary magnetic field vector B IMF as a basis of the model of the cyclic variations of P (instead of Wolf numbers or other parameters of solar activity). The new characteristic which was considered in particular by Chirkov [1986] and Rivin and Obridko [1992] not only improves the correlation properties of the analytical model but, taking into account the results of Obridko and Rivin [1996], provides a new approach to the problem of the phase shifts of P cycles relatively to cycles of W and magnitudes of the solar magnetic fields. Usage of the new characteristic makes it possible also to suggest a new interpretation of the P cyclicity with T simeq 22 years and T simeq 5 years. Some additional comments on the quasi-biennial variations of P are given.

Initial Data and Their Analysis

fig01 Figure 1 shows the annual mean values of the GCR flux (number of pulses per hour) from the neutron monitor data of three American observatories latitudinally spaced from the equator to high latitudes [NOAA, 1996]. Below in this figure, the auxiliary data useful for analysis are also shown. These are the variations of the annual mean values of the large-scale solar magnetic field magnitudes observed by two different methods: as a star field Bs and directly on the photosphere surface B (only the radial component BR in the near-equator zone is shown). Also shown are W and the aa index of geomagnetic activity. Bs, W, and aa index data are also available in Solar-Geophysical Data Prompt Reports [NOAA, 1996],] and BR data were presented by Obridko and Rivin [1996] where the cyclic variations of BR and other components of B were used for analysis of temporal variations of the solar neutrino flux. Also additionally used are the annual mean values of the interplanetary medium parameters (Figure 1 shows only the solar wind velocity V SW and B IMF ) taken from Rivin [1989] and also calculated from the later data of King catalogue available in the Internet. All the curves are smoothed by a running three-year interval, and after that the smoothed curves (cyclic variations) and, separately, quasi-biennial variations obtained as differences of the initial and smoothed curves are considered.

Now we will describe in more detail the additional data.

Obridko and Rivin [1996] discussed the 11-year variations in B and concluded that these are the result of a superposition of fields of two primary sources and in a first approximation may be described on the photosphere surface by the model:


where B0 simeq 0.5 Gs is the field averaged over several cycles, W = 2p/TW, TW simeq 22 years, m is the amplitude modulation depth, Am simeq 1.5 Gs, wgg W , Tw < 1 year, and l is the phase shift between two components (~8 months). Obridko and Rivin [1996] mentioned this shift but it was not included in the model there. Later on the parameters of model (1) were specified and developed ( Tw simeq 27 days, the first and second terms are the dipole and quadrupole fields, respectively), and the mechanism of the 11-year cycle generation by these solar fields was suggested [Rivin, 1998a, b\link10]. The second term in (1) is absent in the initial field B if one uses annual means. However for B there appears an amplitude modulation of this term which becomes determining in the 11-year cycle of B. Thus the variations in B are a sum of the 11-year cycles of the fields of two different origins, the field of the second term in model (1) prevailing. It is assumed that the temporal dipole variations in model (1) are described by W and partially Bs , the variation of BR describing mainly the quadrupole field dynamics. We note that the annual mean values of W are only an index, that is, an indirect characteristic of the behavior of the toroidal dipole magnetic field ( sim 103 Gs) on the photosphere.

Figure 1 shows that the cyclic variations of BR and Bs somewhat differ in phase (arrows) and, most important, in the ratio of maximum values in 21 and 22 cycles (the errors of each curves are less than ~10%). This difference seems to be associated with the different methods of obtaining of the two fields and therefore different dipole and quadrupole contributions in B. The main shortcoming of the Bs and BR series is their short length, but still they contain two cycles with different amplitude modulation and phase shifts which provides a minimum possibility for understanding of their difference.

The attracting of the aa index data is due to the possibility to use its long observation series for description of cyclic variations of V SW at scales longer than those the latter are known on. This possibility is based on the relation between variations of the annual means of geomagnetic activity and solar wind velocity. From literature the relation is known to be nearly linear. To illustrate this relation both curves are shown together in Figure 1 on the superposed interval.

Long time ago observations of the magnetic field of the Sun as a star were suggested as a method to obtain real-time information on variations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Nowadays (with accumulation of data on variation of B IMF from the satellite measurements during three cycles) there is a possibility to compare the coordination of the 11-year variations of the total solar magnetic field near the star and Earth surfaces, in particular for revealing their role in generation of the modulation of  P.

Analysis of cyclic variations for the curves in Figure 1 leads to the following conclusions:

1) The cycles of P demonstrate a good antiphase correlation with the cycles of W and Bs. Their correlation with the cycles of BR is much weaker. The correlation of the cycles of P with Bs is higher than with  W. It is because, first, in cycle 22 the increase of Bs exceeding the measurement error corresponds to considerable decrease of P, the fact agreeing with two curves being in antiphase, and, second, in the maximum of cycle 21 the curves P and Bs delay relative the maximum of W (arrows).

2) Despite the fact that, in some epochs, extreme of the aa index cycles coincide with the extreme of P cycles (1958, 1959, 1965, 1986, 1987), the geomagnetic activity cycles (particularly in the 1968-1983 interval) correlate with P cycles far worse than the W cycles do. This discrepancy can not be due to the errors of revealing of the V SW and aa index cycles.

3) The variations of Bs and B IMF occur consistently (the linear correlation coefficient r = 0.95 pm 0.06 ). No phase shift between them is found.

fig02 The conclusion on the phase shifts between P and solar activity characteristics is of a principal importance for interpretation of the source of the GCR flux cycle. In this respect, the phase diagrams of the cycles for part of the curves shown in Figure 1 were considered on the correlation plane separately for each of the previous four cycles (see Figure 2). Their analysis leads to the following conclusions:

1) The phase shift between the cycles of P and W depends on the cycle number on Zurich scale: it is maximum (spreading of the diagram) in odd cycles (the delay relative the phase of W is sim 2 years) and very small in even cycles.

2) The phase shifts between the cycles of P and aa index are determined less unambiguous; in the 20th-22nd cycles the geomagnetic activity is slightly ahead of  P.

3) The variations of the annual mean values of V SW and aa index occur consistently, their relationship on each of three intervals on the correlation plane can be approximated by a linear regression equation.

4) The cycle of P lags from odd cycle of Bs by ~1 year and leads it by ~1 year in even cycle.

5) There is a following tendency. The phase of P is behind the phase of BR by ~1 year in odd cycles, whereas they coincide in even cycles.

It follows from Figure 2 that pronounced patterns in phase variations are only observed in the longest series (while comparing the phases of the P and W cycles). In our disposal there is no series of P and also Bs and B before 1954 in order to check the tendency of the phase shift from cycle to cycle obtained in Figure 2a. However one can refer to Dorman [1963] (see Figure 24.9 there) where similar phase diagrams to determine "some sort of hysteresis" were built from the initial data of m -meson intensity at the Huancayo observatory for cycles 18 and 19. In these diagrams the odd cycle diagram is spread more than the even cycle diagram, but the author paid no attention to this fact. The latter led to the fact that in the next figure in Dorman [1963] the displacement phase shift was determined from the initial curves for ~20 years. As a result, some average characteristic (3 months) strongly underestimated was obtained.

fig03 In addition, we analyzed the high-frequency part of smoothing of the P and W curves, which is largely associated with the "quasi-biennial" variation (Figure 3). This figure compares the P curves of the Calgary and Climax observatories having a nearly similar magnetic rigidity threshold (~1-3 GeV) to show that their antiphase variations began only since the second half of the 1980s. That means that in the Calgary observatory during most part of the recording interval they were obviously due to the registration noise. The magnetic rigidity for the curve of the Huancayo observatory is much higher (~12 GeV), which results in an abrupt decrease in the amplitude of these variations (and the cyclic variations as well) and to a weakening of the correlation. It is of primary importance that the quasi-biennial variations of the GCR flux vary in antiphase with the same variations of solar magnetic fields and have no phase shift relative these fields (or it is not yet discovered at the data discreteness available).


The results of the analysis presented above are related to two problems of description of GCR flux cyclic variations: 1) creation of an analytic model of these variation in which the cyclic variation of some solar parameter (rather often this is W ) is taken as a basis; and 2) discussion of possible mechanism of this variation generation.

Using annual values of W as a basis of an analytical model of cyclic variation of P, two main differences of curves are observed. First, the different amplitude modulation of the 11-year cycles: for example, in the recent two cycles (21 and 22) the W cycle magnitudes are almost equal, whereas the P cycle in cycle 22 demonstrates the flux decrease which is much stronger than in the previous cycle (Figure 1) and clearly exceeds the accuracy of P measurements. Second, the phase shift is usually averaged over a few cycles but depends (as it has been shown above) on parity of the W cycle number. The comparison of the curves P, Bs , and W shows that both differences disappear in a significant degree if one takes for modeling the curve of Bs cycles instead of W cycles. Such a substitution with a transition to cyclic variations of real solar magnetic fields located up to polar region latitudes improves significantly the quality and accuracy of the model. Moreover taking into account the results of Obridko and Rivin [1996], this substitution helps understanding that the problem of the shift of P cycles relative odd cycles of W is not a problem of the GCR flux. This is largely a problem of the dephasing of the magnetic fields of the dipole and quadrupole in (1). It should be noted that the small phase shifts in the diagram (Figure 2d) do not exclude a phase shift of the P cycle relative the Bs cycle which is much less than the shift relative the W cycle.

The necessity, modeling cyclic variations of P, to switch off from W to the magnitude of the total magnetic field of the Sun (or IMF) may be supported by the following: the W cycles describe in some approximation dynamics of only the toroidal component of the dipole magnetic field of the Sun, whereas variations of Bs describe dynamics of the poloidal component of the Bd dipole and Bq quadrupole. For the poloidal component the 11-year cycle amplitude of the quadrupole magnetic field on the photosphere surface is several times higher than that of the dipole. Above the photosphere (probably close to the surface of the source at ~2-3 Sun's radii) the relation between the Bq and Bd amplitudes is reversed, that fact being manifested in the amplitude variations of the magnetic field of the Sun as a star. At the same time, in the Bs cycles there still remains an input of Bq which leads to a phase shift relative the toroidal component of Bd (though one can not exclude that part of the shift is caused by the shift between the toroidal and poloidal components of the dipole field itself only). Our analysis shows that the cycle of P also has similar properties.

The change of the basis parameter of the analytical model of the P cyclic modulation should undoubtedly improve its quality. However one should state that unfortunately in the present time the data of large-scale solar magnetic field magnitude and IMF are limited only by two and three cycles, respectively. Therefore the conclusion made on this characteristics as an optimum basis of the analytic model should be still considered as preliminary.

The second problem for solution of which the results obtained may be used is determination of the origin of the P modulation. Dorman [1963] discussed a series of generation models of the GCR flux 11-year variation. Dorman et al. [1969] related the 11-year cyclicity of P to the corresponding variations of solar wind characteristics and interplanetary magnetic field irregularities. It was assumed that the variations of parameters of the interplanetary medium itself are determined by sunspot numbers over the entire disk or within particular latitudinal belt, coronal green line intensity, number of chromospheric flares et cetera. Such a view on the source of the 11-year GCR variation based on the Parker model is still widespread nowadays [Alaniya et al., 1995; Bazilevskaya et al., 1995].

The results of the analysis presented above show very weak (almost absent) correlation of the cyclic variations of P with the variations of the solar wind velocity and density and aa index of geomagnetic activity. This correlation is much less than with the variations of the solar dipole magnetic field which is manifested by W and Bs. Thus the cyclic variations of solar wind parameters (though they are possibly in some degree determined by solar magnetic fields) are significantly different than the GCR flux variations. This fact points to different sources of modulation of solar wind and GCR flux parameters by the 11-year cycle. It should be noted that we discuss here the modulation of P by the cyclic variation only. In another frequency range (for example, in case of the Forbush effect), the flux modulation mechanism of P by the Sun may be different and involve dynamical parameters of the solar wind. On the basis of the aforesaid one can suppose that the magnitude of the total solar magnetic field and its prolongation into the interplanetary space, IMF, are the main sources of the GCR flux modulation by the 11-year cycle. Why galactic cosmic ray flux is modulated by the magnitude but not the initial solar magnetic field itself, is an interesting question. But this question is a subject of another consideration.

The cycles with T simeq 11 years are strongest in variations of GCR flux annual values. The variation with T simeq 22 years is more weak. A number of authors suggested a special role played by the 22-year cyclicity in P as compared with the 11-year cyclicity [Stozhkov et al., 1986]. Belov et al. [1995] noted that there is as yet no clear understanding of the Parker modulation mechanisms in particular epochs of the 11-year cycle and, most important for our study, no clear understanding of sources of the 22-year cycle. Meanwhile the cause of 22-year variation occurrence in the GCR flux is enough trivial for the source indicated: the occurrence is probably a consequence of detection of the main cycle of solar magnetic field with T simeq 22 years. As a result, in Bs and B IMF there appears the known modulation of the amplitude in even-odd 11-year cycle pairs (in recent ~100 years the amplitude of W even cycle was always higher than the amplitude of odd cycle).

Another obligatory result of the modulation of P by the total solar magnetic field magnitude (since the modulation is obviously linear) is the existence, together with the second harmonic (~11 years) of the main cycle also of the fourth harmonic (sim 5.5 years) with the amplitude approximately 5 times lower than the amplitude of the second harmonic.

The quasi-biennial variation plays a special role in the modulation of  P. The attention paid to this variation is much less than to the cycles with 11- and 22-year periods. However this variation is reliably revealed (see, for example, Okhlopkov et al. [1979]). The curves shown in Figure 3 confirm its existence and also demonstrate additional difficulties in its revealing, since in the observatories considered (and presumably in many other observatories) the amplitude of this variation is distorted by registration noises. In this paper we limit ourselves by this statement, avoiding more detailed study of the variation.


1) The cyclic variation of the galactic cosmic ray flux during recent ~40 years was caused by the flux modulation by the total solar magnetic field and its prolongation, interplanetary magnetic field. The dynamical parameters of the solar wind provide no input into generation mechanism of such variation of  P.

2) The delay of the 11-year cycles of P relative Wle 1 year in even cycles and ~2 years in odd cycles) is caused mainly by properties of the modulation source itself but not the GCR flux propagation time to the heliosphere boundary.

3) The existence in the GCR flux of ~22- and ~5-year waves with the amplitude much lower than the amplitude of the 11-year cycle is due to the detection of the initial total solar magnetic field, that is, the modulation is produced by the magnitudes Bs and B IMF.

4) Quasi-biennial variation of the GCR flux is detected at various monitors at various intervals with different accuracy. Approximately from the middle of the 1980s this variation is detected reliably in the Calgary and Climax observatories.


The work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project 96-02-17054).


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