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International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

Geomagnetic and solar-ionospheric manifestations of nonlocal interactions of the dissipative processes

S. M. Korotaev, V. O. Serdyuk, and M. O. Sorokin

Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia

Received November 28, 1998



The long-term geophysical experiment on verification of the hypothesis of nonlocal interaction of the dissipative processes has been conducted. The experimental set included a detector of the nonlocal interaction based on measuring of self-potentials of the marine electrodes, protected of the known sources of classical influences. Several new effects were discovered: correlation of the potentials on the distant setups, advanced reaction of the potentials on the geomagnetic variations, relationship of the potentials to sudden ionospheric disturbances and solar activity. The results agree with predictions of the hypothesis, combining the ideas of causal mechanics, quantum nonlocality in strong macroscopic limit and action-at-a-distance electrodynamics.

1. Introduction

Number of the statistically reliable facts on dependencies of some observables, which can not have direct or indirect relations on the base of any known local interaction (e.g. relationship between the velocity of some physical or chemical reaction and the solar activity) have been collected in geophysics and astrophysics [Adamyan et al., 1972; Alekseenko et al., 1989; Alekseev et al., 1989; Eroshev and Sheynina, 1986; Kozyrev, 1971; Richter-Bernburg, 1963; Sazeyeva, 1986].

Kozyrev [1971] suggested interpretation of such facts within developed by him causal mechanics, based upon recognition of fundamental irreversibility of time and following a new type of physical interaction between any dissipative processes. But there was rather negative reaction to Kozyrev's hypothesis in his time because of a week formalisation of the theory and doubts in strictness of the experiments.

Recently the situation has changed. Basic statements of the concept of causal mechanics have been strictly formulated [Korotaev, 1993]. Some geophysical phenomena, e.g. asymmetry of the Earth figure, structure and distribution of physical fields have been explained quantitatively on the base of development of Kozyrev`s theory [Arushanov and Korotaev, 1996]. Kozyrev`s experiments have been successfully reproduced by Savage [1985, 1986, 1987] and though some doubt on their strictness have remained. On the other hand Home and Majumdar [1995] suggested theoretical reasons on preservations of the effect of quantum nonlocality in the strong macroscopic limit and, though an idea of experimental verification had not been proposed, the properties of the possible macroscopic nonlocality must be very similar to the Kozyrev`s interaction. Our work aims to conducting an experiment which would first verify a strictly formulated hypothesis and second fit the modern level of strictness.

2. Formulation of the Heuristic Hypothesis

Generalization of previous results of development of causal mechanics [Korotaev, 1996] might be formulated in the following statements.

(1) A new type of interaction between the dissipative processes of any nature exists.

(2) This interaction transmit the energy, the rotational moment, but not the momentum.

(3) The energy of interaction is directly related to the entropy production and inversely related to the squared distance.

(4) The interaction is screened by the matter, but the screening properties of the matter does not coincide with such properties for the electromagnetic field.

(5) The interaction can have positive, zero and symmetrical negative time lag.

With the exception of the dissipativity one can see a similarity to the quantum nonlocality. But the dissipativity may be included by interpretation of the nonlocality within Wheeler-Feynman action-at-a-distance electrodynamics [Cramer, 1995]. This theory considers the electromagnetic field as a superposition of retarded and advanced parts. The latter one is unobservable due to specific interference and is manifested only through the radiation damping which is a dissipative process. Moreover, any dissipative process is ultimately related to the radiation and therefore to the radiation damping. The third time derivative of position x appearing in the formulae for the radiation damping can be directly related to the entropy production. Indeed, for oscillating charge q the advanced field E adv is related to the retarded one E ret and radiation damping [Hoyle and Narlikar, 1995] as:


On the other hand, the radiation power is


The entropy (dimensionless) production per a particle at a temperature T is S= P/kT and therefore


One can see from (1)-(3) that advanced fields carry a relationship between the dissipative processes. Moreover according to the modern treatment of action-at-a-distance electrodynamics [Hoyle and Narlikar, 1995] the efficiency of absorption of the advanced field must be imperfect (Statement (4)). It means a possibility of advanced field detection (Statement (5)).

From the above operational consideration, it is possible to formulate the following hypothesis:


where Sd is the entropy production in the absorber (detector), s is the density of the entropy production in the sources, s is the cross-section of the interaction, x is a distance, t is time, velocity v is bounded by v2 le c2, the integral is taken over an infinite volume V.

3. The Experimental Problem

The task of the experiment is the detection of connection of the entropy change in some testing process with the entropy change in the environmental medium according to (4) under condition of all known kinds of the classical local interactions. Although any dissipative process may be used as a detector, not the entropy, but one or other circumstational connected with its observable is measured. Therefore the choice of the detector type depends upon the expected value of the relative effect. Two types of the detectors had been chosen by this criterion. The first was based on measurements of self-potentials of the weekly-polarized electrodes in marine water, the second was based on measurements of the dark current of the photomultiplier. As the experiment implied, the first type turned out much more appropriate, therefore consider its work in great detail.

Self-consistent solution for the potential u in the liquid phase is [Korotaev, 1979]:


where q is the charge of the main ion of the liquid phase, x is a dimensionless length ( x=1 corresponds to half of the distance between the electrodes), z is the full (electrokinetic) potential. The entropy S can be expressed in terms of the normalized potential j:



Substituting (3) to (6) and (5), after a number of transformations one can obtain the expression for the entropy production:




Prefactor of w is always positive, therefore from (8) and (9) it follows that S and z change in opposite phase. So far as the variations of z are small in comparison with the averaged value, one can linearize (8) and obtain final simple expression:


All known local factors influencing z (temperature, pressure, chemism, illumination, electric field etc.) must be excluded or stabilized. In fact, only difference U = z1 - z2 of a pair of electrodes can be measured. Except external screening, the influence of the noise-forming factors mentioned above might be minimized by measuring U at a minimum spatial separation of the electrodes. In this case:


where zc are constants, g is the efficiency of the detector, the averaged measure of which is the variability coefficient.

For the detector based on the photomultiplier analogue, U is the work function. Noise-forming factors to be excluding or control are: temperature, electric and magnetic fields, illumination, moisture, feed voltage unstability.

4. Experimental Setup

The experimental setup included the two types of detectors and the apparatus for accompanying measurements.

The detector based on weakly-polarized electrodes was constructed as follows. As the electrodes marine geophysical C-Mn ones were chosen. The electrodes were positioned in the glass vessel with marine water, space separation between contact windows measured 1.5 cm. The vessel was rigidly encapsulated so that evaporation as well as atmospheric pressure variations were fully eliminated. The vessel was positioned in the dewar, covered on the outside by the additional layers of light and heat insulation. For the control of the temperature variations remained the sensor of temperature (allowing to measure it continuously accurate to 0.001 K) was positioned between the internal wall of the dewar and the electrode vessel. Thus influence of all noise-forming factors, except temperature, was eliminated. Influence variation of the last was minimized and controlled. The quantity U was measured continuously with the accuracy of 0.5  m V.

The second type detector was constructed on the basis of a photomultiplier with the small-area Cb-Cs cathode. The photomultiplier was positioned in the similar dewar with the temperature sensor and the additional external electric field screen. Possible magnetic field influence was controlled by quantum modulus magnetometer accurate to 0.01 nT. The dark current I was measured continuously accurate to 0.05 nA.

Magnetic field measurement served also as indicator of the most important geophysical process - dissipation of ionospheric electric current. Lastly, the overall air temperature in the lab was recorded continuously accurate to 0.1 K. Thus measurements on the setup included 2 major channels and 4 satellite ones.

Accidentally during the part of the period of our experiment and absolutely independently, similar measurements of electrode self-potentials for other purposes were conducted by Nalivayko, who bindly presented us with his data. His setup did not provide measurements of the noise-forming factors and had no protection against them. Nonetheless, if a signal associated with the geophysical processes in U variations is sufficiently strong then, taking into account relatively small distance between the labs (300 m), one would hope for a correlation of the data.

5. Conduction of the Experiment and Data Processing

The measurements carried out in continuous regime from December 10, 1996 till December 11, 1997.

The data were processed by the methods of causal, correlational, regressional and spectral analysis.

The first should be particularly mentioned because of its adequacy to modern treatment of theoretical foundation of the causal mechanics [Korotaev, 1993]. In essence the method is the following. For the observables X and Y the independence functions are introduced through conditional and unconditional Shannon`s entropies H:


For example, if Y is one-valued function of X then iY X = 0, if Y does not depend on X then iY X = 1. Next the causality function is considered:


and it determines that the cause X and effect Y are called observables for which g< 1. The case g = 1 means adiabatic (non-causal) relation between X and Y. It has been shown by theoretical and numerical experimental examples (see, for example, Korotaev [1992, 1995] and Korotaev et al. [1993]) that such a formal definition of the causality does not contradict intuitive understanding of causality in obvious situations and can be used in unobvious ones.

The important preliminary stage was to study of the temperature influence. The results are presented in [Korotaev et al., 1998], where it has been shown that besides trivial local retarded influence of the internal temperature TU, there is advanced nonlocal influence of the external temperature Te, violating a microscopic analogue of the Bell inequality. In the geophysical results described below, if it is not mentioned specially, all temperature effects had previously been rejected.

6. The Experimental Results and Their Interpretation

6.1. Relation of the Potentials on the Remote Setups

fig01 First of all, it is reasonable to compare our measurements U with the ones on remoted (300 m) setup Ur. It immediately allows us to establish, that the variations of these quantities are not merely internal noises. A fragment of the synchronous record of U and Ur is shown in Figure 1. The correlation coefficient turned out to be 0.68 pm 0.01. Only one common trivial cause is possible, that is the internal temperature. After eliminating the influence of the internal temperature TU of the detector U the partial correlation coefficient turned out to be 0.74 pm 0.01. Therefore the local influence of the temperature was not a common cause of the correlated potential variations. It remains to consider such common cause nontrivial influence of the external geophysical processes.

6.2. Relation of the Potentials to Variations of the Earth Magnetic Field

There is no reason to consider U depending on the magnetic field F in any way. Therefore detection of the relation of the potential with the Earth magnetic field variations would be a good test for hypothesis (4), as these variations could be easy related to electric current dissipation in the source (ionosphere). Special experiments on influence on U by artificial magnetic field (up to 100 A m -1 ) in the frequency range from 0 to 1 Hz had confirmed absence of any reaction of U within sensitivity of the apparatus.

Analysis of long-time series have shown existence of stable correlation rUF = -0.56 pm 0.01 with a great advancement of U relative to F (t = 48.0h). In the causal analysis at this t there is a minimum iF U = 0.79+0.02-0.01 (g = iU F/iF U = 1.03+0.01-0.01). Thus relation between U and F is statistically reliable, but both from the prior reasons and advancement of U relative to F, it can not be a result of a direct influence of F on U. Therefore F is an indicator of some process interacting with U.

The spectral analysis showed that the period dependence of the amplitude ratio U/F is approximated by formula


In terms of spectral densities U and F (14) turns into


where r0 = 8.5 times 10-5 Wm2 and f is the frequency. (15) describes 1/f -noise, although we can not localize the noising resistivity.

Whereas U(f)/F(f) depends on frequency f, it has turned out that U(f)/F2(f) does not depend on f: U(f)/F2(f) = (1.7 pm 0.2) times 10-5 Wm2/A. It is the most important result pointing to a relation of U to the entropy production.

For proof, let us consider an application of (4) to the particular case. The magnetic field F is related to the electric currents in the source (ionosphere), and also to the induced currents in the Earth. For simplicity of the problem, we neglect the latter and consider entropy production only in the source of F. It is easy to express the density of entropy production through the electric field E(f) (which in turn through impedance Z(f) is related to F(f) ), resistivity r, and medium temperature T. For the sake of simplicity we consider r and Z(f) as scalars. Then:


Combining (4), (10), (11), and (16) and using for the electromagnetic field the plane wave approximation in homogeneous medium, we have:


Thus the experimental fact U(f)/F2(f) = const is explained within hypothesis (4).

It is of interest to estimate the constant s from observations. If presented reasoning with references to Kozyrev's concept has a meaning, the s value could be related to known Kozyrev's constant of course of time c2 (velocity of the causal effect transition at the microscopic level). From theoretical consideration c2 rightarrow infty in the classical limit, while from causal-mechanical experiments c2 = +(2.2 pm 0.1)times 106 m s -1 [Kozyrev, 1977]. Since only an order of s is of interest on this stage, for its estimation we simplify (17), supposing, that similarly to an ordinary electromagnetic field, it is possible to use the plane wave approximation. Then, instead of (17), we have


where h is a thickness of the dynamo-layer. For estimation of s we accept the parameters corresponding to the detector: TU= 3 times 102 K, q = 1.6 times 10-9A s, g = 6 times 10-2, and known typical values of the ionospheric parameters: T = 103 K, h = 5times 104 m. Then with the value U(f)/F2(f) mentioned above we obtain from (18) s = 2times 10-21 m 2. It is the most reasonable value and is of an order the atom cross-section. And really this value may be related to c2, mass and charge of an electron:


If (19) is true, then in the classical limit srightarrow 0.

6.3. Relation of the Potentials to Ionospherical Activity

An interesting manifestation of ionosphere activity in U variations was revealed. It turned out that the probability of sudden ionospheric disturbances during the phase decrease. The probabilities ratio is 4.5. If only sudden enhancements of atmospherics were selected such probability ratio would be 7.1.

The following qualitative interpretation of these facts may be suggested. Sudden ionospheric disturbances are sharp increase of ionization in the lower ionosphere. That corresponds to a decrease of the entropy resulting, according to (4) and (10), from increasing potentials. In the case of sudden enhancements of atmospheric there is an additional effect related to enhancements of the thunderstorm activity.

6.4. Relationship of the Potentials to Solar Activity

The spectral analysis showed similarity of the spectra U and solar activity indices. In particular, there is a maximum with 27-days period with the amplitude of about millivolt.

The analysis in time domain gives more detailed information. So for as time averaged solar-terrestrial data always demonstrates stronger dependence, we processed our data with daily and monthly averaging. The former were processed by the causal and correlation analysis, the latter were processed only by the correlation one (because the causal analysis needs larger statistics).

fig02 Consider daily averaged data. Figure 2 shows the synchronous independence function U of the solar radio wave flux R (in the standard range 245 ldots 15,400 MHz) and their correlation function. Both curves point out the optimal frequency 1415 MHz, corresponding radiation coming from the level of the lower corona and upper chromosphere, where the most intense electromagnetic dissipative processes take place. At this frequency iU R = 0.66+0.02-0.00 (g = iU R/iR U = 0.81pm 0.01), rUR = 0.68 pm 0.02. All these series R were reduced to 1 AU. One can expect that the use an observable series R instead of reduced one has to increase correlation slightly. Indeed at a frequency of 2800 MHz for which both series of R are available in the "Solar-Geophysical Data", it turns out that for the reduced R: rUR = 0.59 pm 0.02, while for the observable R: rUR = 0.62 pm 0.02.

One can suggest the cosmic ray flux as a possible local mechanism of the solar activity influence on the detector. We have tested it by the data of the IZMIRAN neutron monitor, situated in the vicinity (100 m) of our setup. Correlation of U with the cosmic ray counting rates turned out much less of the above mentioned correlation U with R: -0.30 pm 0.03 under daily averaging and -0.4 (not significant) under monthly averaging. Therefore cosmic rays do not carry the interaction.

A maximum in dependence of U on R (corresponding to min iU R) is discovered under large advancement of U relative to R. For the optimal frequency 1415 MHz min iU R = 0.59 (and min g = 0.71 pm 0.01 ) at t = 39 days. The ratio of iU R at the advancement t = 39 days and symmetrical retardment t = -39 days are inverted to the ratio of corresponding rUR: rU R ret / rU R adv = rUR adv / rUR ret = 1.3.

fig03 Monthly averaged data have demonstrated this advanced connection even more visually. The data of U and R shifted to 1 month are presented in Figure 3. Strong correlation is obvious. At t = 1 month rUR = 0.76 pm 0.08. At the symmetrical value t = -1 month the correlation is insignificant ( 0.5 pm 0.2 ).

Thus we have to consider influence of the solar activity on the U as a direct (nonlocal) impact with an advanced lag of about a month.

6.5. Results With the Dark Current Detector

All the effects mentioned above (except of the sudden ionospheric disturbances) were discovered also with the detector of dark current I, they were rather week as compared with U. In particular, for the magnetic variations min iF I = 0.76+0.05-0.00, max rFI = -0.42 pm 0.02 occurred at advancement t = 35.0 hours. As this takes place, a strong interplay of I and U (which can not be reduced to a trivial influence of the single common local cause, which is the laboratory temperature Te ) has been discovered. It might be demonstrated by set of the partial correlations: rU Te = 0.78 pm 0.01, rUTe I =0.24 pm 0.02, rITe U = 0.09 pm 0.02 (not significant).

fig04 A peculiarity of I as an indicator of the natural dissipative processes is that sometimes the standard deviation of I displays more spectacular relationship with them than the averaged I. Figure 4 shows the amplitude spectra of the solar radio wave flux R and the standard deviation of I. The left amplitude peak has the period exactly 27 days.

7. Conclusion

The results of the long-term experiment conducted at the modern level of rigour allow us to make positive inference on the nonlocal interaction of the dissipative geophysical processes. Understanding of nonlocality as a new type of interaction may lead to understanding of nature of a number of unusual geophysical and astrophysical correlations, particularly concerning some statistically reliable, but physically unexplained solar-terrestrial relationships. The characteristic property of the nonlocal interaction is existence of an advanced time lag. It allows to develop a new method of the geophysical forecast which is not based upon an extrapolation of previous evolution. However admittedly our approach was essentially heuristic, and further development of the theory at intersection of causal mechanics, quantum nonlocality in strong macroscopic limit and action-at-a-distance electrodynamics is needed.


This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 96-05-64029). The authors thanks J. M. Abramov for participation in the experiment.


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