Submitted to International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

Effects of geomagnetic storms on the ionosphere and atmosphere

A. D. Danilov

Institute of Applied Geophysics, Moscow, Russia

J. Lastovicka

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague, Czech Republic



A geomagnetic storm is a complex process, its various features act at different heights. In the F2 region, the midlatitude effect is basically an ionospheric response to storm-induced changes in the neutral atmosphere, which are primarily a consequence of a strong Joule heating in the auroral thermosphere. At lower heights, the role of ionization and photochemical processes increases due to shorter electron lifetimes. At the base of the F1 region (160-170 km) the storm effect is almost absent. At E -region maximum a complex action of several factors results in a slight decrease of foF2, even though below and above the electron density increases. Further down, in the lower ionosphere, a strong increase of the electron density is observed as a consequence of a very strong enhancement of particle precipitation. In the neutral upper middle atmosphere, the effects of enhanced precipitation weaken with decreasing altitude and become insignificant and/or absent in the stratosphere. The effect of geomagnetic storms reappear in the lower atmosphere, but as an effect of different morphology and origin.

1. Introduction

Geomagnetic storms are probably the most important phenomenon among those related to solar wind and high energy particles. They produce large and global disturbances in the ionosphere, but they affect also the neutral atmosphere including the middle atmosphere and troposphere (e.g. [Lastovicka, 1996]).

The geomagnetic storm is a complex process of solar wind/magnetospheric origin. Various features of this complex process act at various altitudes in the ionosphere and neutral atmosphere. This paper presents a trial to construct a "vertical profile" and related scenarios of the geomagnetic storm effects on the Earth's atmosphere and ionosphere starting from the F2 -region maximum down to the troposphere. It is in no case a full review of scientific results in this field. The paper concentrates predominantly (even though not only) on the northern hemisphere middle latitudes and on the results of East European authors, which are often less familiar to scientific community.

The effects of geomagnetic storms at different altitudes and latitudes differ in development in time and in intensity. They reflect different features of geomagnetic storms, therefore their mechanisms are different. This makes construction of the vertical profile of effects and responsible mechanisms difficult.

The geomagnetic storm should be called magnetospheric storm, because the observed changes of geomagnetic field are essentially a consequence of strong and rapid magnetospheric processes and changes under solar wind action. The name "geomagnetic storm" is traditional, because storms had been observed first as changes of geomagnetic activity/field and they have been monitored until now by geomagnetic activity measurements.

2. F2 Layer

2.1. Morphology

The response of the ionospheric F2 region to magnetospheric disturbance is different from that of the lower ionosphere described below. The difference is due to the differences in physical mechanisms responsible for the changes of the electron concentration. While in the E and D regions the primary reason of the electron concentration changes is the variation of the ionization rate because of corpuscular intrusions, in the F2 region the electron concentration variations are predominantly due to indirect factors, neutral composition changes and dynamical processes.

There is one more difference in the electron concentration behavior in various ionospheric regions. All "disturbances" in the lower ionosphere (post-storm effects, auroral absorption, PCA) are actually an increase of electron concentration above some quiet-time background level. Contrary to that, the F2 region response to geomagnetic disturbance (so called ionospheric storm) consists of effects of both signs. Both a depletion and increase of the electron concentration relative to a background level are observed during those storms and are called "positive" and "negative" phases of the storm, respectively.

The morphology of ionospheric storms is rather complicated. The response of the ionosphere as seen at different ionospheric station may be quite different during the same storm depending on the station coordinates, local time of the geomagnetic storm onset and some other parameters. The global distribution of ionospheric storm effects is also rather complicated and differs considerably from one storm to another.

Here we can not provide a detailed description of this rather complicated situation, referring the readers to a detailed review by Prolls [1995] and the references therein and citing some recent publications. We are going to present a rather "smoothed" picture aimed mainly at a comparison of the F2 -region and thermospheric response to geomagnetic disturbances with that of the lower ionosphere.

An ionospheric storm in the F2 region is usually manifested in variations of the electron concentration in a wide altitude range from about 200 km to 800-1000 km. The principal features of such storms are also manifested in the behavior of the total electron content (TEC) as observed from the satellite-to-ground radio wave propagation.

The F2 -region response to geomagnetic disturbance is in the most convenient way described in terms of dfoF2, that is in deviations of the critical vertical reflection frequency foF2 (or electron concentration [ e ]) of the F2 layer maximum from quiet-time median:

dfoF2 = (foF2obs-foF2med)/foF2med

fig01 The temporal behavior of dfoF2 during an ionospheric storm usually consists of periods with positive values (positive phases of the storm) and negative values (negative phases). An example of dfoF2 behavior during a typical storm is shown in Figure 1. The morphology of negative and positive phases of an ionospheric storm is different because the principal physical mechanisms responsible for their formation are believed to be different. Below we consider the two phases separately and their interaction to produce a storm as a whole.

One of the significant features of the negative phase is its equatorward shift during the storm from auroral latitudes to middle latitudes. The amplitude of the effect (the maximum absolute value of dfoF2 ) decreases during this shift. That is illustrated in Table 1 based on averaging the ionospheric storms of 1957-1964. Table 1 shows that the lower the station geomagnetic latitude F, the larger the delay DT of the negative phase beginning relative to the beginning of the magnetic disturbance and the lower the maximum value of dfoF2. The velocity of the negative phase equatorward "drift" is, according to various estimates, about 50-300 m s -1 [Danilov and Belik, 1991].

The equatorward penetration of negative phases demonstrates a seasonal behavior. In the summer hemisphere during the same storm, the negative phase is better developed and drifts to lower latitudes than in the winter hemisphere [Prolls, 1995].

fig02 The negative phase in most cases demonstrates a well pronounced dependence of the intensity Imax on the AE index. Figure 2 shows such dependence for 10 selected storms according to Danilov and Belik [1991]. Dependencies of I-max on the Kp, Dst, and Ap indices has been also reported (see the references in [Danilov and Belik, 1991]).

fig03 The morphology of the positive phase is even more complicated. This fact points to more complicated physical processes of its formation. However, some features may be indicated. Positive phases are sometimes observed several hours before the beginning of the magnetic disturbance which is considered to be a reason of this particular ionospheric storm [Danilov and Belik, 1991; Szuszczewicz et al., 1998]. Sometimes the entire storm consists of a single durable positive phase, dfoF2 never becoming negative. Examples of these two features are presented in Figure 3. Also the existence of so called "dead zones" should be mentioned when in the middle of a storm for several hours the deviation from the median does not exceed 10% [Danilov and Belik, 1991]. All these features are important for understanding the physical mechanisms operating in the thermosphere and ionosphere during magnetic disturbance.

While negative phases are almost always observed at high latitudes and more often than positive phases at middle latitudes, positive phases tend to occur at middle and low latitudes. The positive phase is observed in most cases (90%) at equatorial latitudes during magnetic disturbances [Adeniyi, 1986; Mikhailov et al., 1994]. But during prominent disturbances, the negative phase may be also observed [Adeniyi, 1986; Turunen and Rao, 1980]. As for the seasonal preference, negative phases occur in all seasons, less in winter, when positive phases show maximum of occurrence.

2.2. Physical Mechanisms of Ionospheric Storm Formation

Negative phase.

Since the global picture of dfoF2 distribution during ionospheric storms is usually rather complicated, the role of various physical mechanisms is usually considered on the basis of case studies in which the dfoF2 (or d [e] ) behavior for a particular storm is studied for one particular location (for example, an incoherent scatter facility), or for several stations of one particular region [e.g. Mikhailov et al., 1994; Mikhailov and Schlegel, 1998; Mikhailov et al., 1995; Mikhailov and Förster, 1997; Buosanto, 1995].

Since the first suggestion by Seaton [1956] it was believed that the negative phase is caused by the changes of the thermospheric composition due to heating of the thermosphere during geomagnetic disturbances. The electron concentration is, roughly speaking, directly proportional to the [O]/[N 2 ] ratio at the F2 -layer maximum height [Rishbeth and Barron, 1960]. We refer the readers for more exact relations to Mikhailov et al. [1995] or Mikhailov et al. [1989]. That means that under other conditions unchanged we should have a depletion of electron concentration (a negative phase) in all the regions where [O]/[N 2 ] has been decreased at F2 -region heights.

fig04 Prolls and von Zahn [1974] and Prolls [1980] found a close relation between the [O]/[N 2 ] ratio measured by the ESRO 4 satellite and the electron concentration in the F2 peak measured at several ionospheric stations. Figure 4 from Prolls and von Zahn [1974] shows that the variations of electron concentration and [O]/[N 2 ] at each station are very similar, though different for different stations.

The reason of the thermospheric composition changes ([O]/[N 2 ] decrease) is fairly obvious. During geomagnetic disturbance there is a heating of the lower part of the thermosphere (100-140 km) in the auroral region. The main source of this heating is the Joule dissipation of electric currents, but some energy may be deposited also by precipitating particles [Prolls, 1995].

The heating should lead to significant decrease of the atoms-to-molecules ratio throughout the entire thermosphere in the high-latitude region. If the thermospheric dynamical regime stayed unchanged during magnetic disturbances, the zone of depleted [O]/[N 2 ] (and so electron concentration and foF2 ) would be limited by the high-latitude ionosphere (approximately by the auroral oval). But the heating induces its own circulation (which may conflict with the "regular" circulation, see below), which at the F2 layer heights tends to bring the air equatorward to lower latitudes. That, in the simplest approximation, leads to the aforementioned drift of the negative phase to lower latitudes.

It should be noted here that the heated gas with depleted [O]/[N 2 ] ratio has higher temperature throughout the thermosphere. The increase of temperature leads at the F2 region heights to an increase of the linear recombination coefficient and, thus to further decrease of the electron concentration [Mikhailov et al., 1995]. Thus actually the negative phase is formed in the heated thermospheric gas due to two factors: the depleted [O]/[N 2 ] and increased recombination due to increased temperature [Mikhailov and Förster, 1997].

The latitudinal distribution of the negative phase according to the simple scheme described should be different in the sunlit and night-time sectors of the winter ionosphere. The storm-induced circulation is directed equatorward. In winter it is opposite to the daytime background thermospheric circulation which is directed poleward. That leads to the effect of stopping the negative phase equatorward drift, the region of the negative phase development thus being confined to high latitudes.

During the nigh-time period the two circulations (the background and storm-induced ones) coincide (they both are directed equatorward) and so the air with disturbed (depleted) [O]/[N 2 ] ratio spreads out to much lower latitudes than in the daytime. That leads to rather frequent occurrence of the negative phase at middle latitudes at night in winter.

In summer the background (quiet) circulation is throughout the day directed equatorward and thus coincides with the storm-induced circulation. This is favorable for penetration of the air with depleted [O]/[N 2 ] (and increased temperature) to middle latitudes, and so the negative phase in summer is observed at middle latitudes both in the daytime and at night.

There was some discussion on the role of vibrationally excited nitrogen in forming the negative phase. The matter is that due to several factors, including the temperature increase, there may occur an increase of the N 2 vibrational temperature T( N2#) at F2 region heights. The increase should lead to strong intensification of the O + + N2 reaction and so to significant reduction of the electron concentration. Some authors [e.g. Pavlov, 1994; Pavlov and Buonsanto, 1997] believe that this process plays a significant role in negative phase formation. However, there is no direct proof that the increase of T( N2# ) actually occurs. On the other hand, in many case studies [Mikhailov et al., 1994, 1995; Mikhailov and Foster, 1997; Mikhailov and Schlegel, 1998] the principal features of many storms (including prominent ones) were successfully explained without any assumption on the T(N2# ) increase. Loewe and Prolls [1998] claim that N 2# is not very important in general, but it may play some role under high solar activity conditions.

Positive phase.

Several mechanisms have been considered as a probable source of the ionospheric storm positive phase [e.g., Prolls, 1995; Danilov and Belik, 1991]. These are: the F2 -layer uplifting due to vertical drift, plasma fluxes from the plasmasphere, and downwelling of the gas as a result of the storm-induced thermospheric circulation.

The F2 -layer drift may be caused by two principal mechanisms: an increase of the electric fields of magnetospheric origin and the equatorward horizontal thermospheric circulation which lifts up the F2 -layer plasma along the inclined field lines. The question of strong electric fields penetrating the F2 region from the magnetosphere is still open and there is no direct proof that this mechanism contributes significantly to the F2 -layer behavior during ionospheric storms at middle latitudes [Prolls, 1995]. Neither are there any indications to the significant role of plasma fluxes from the plasmasphere. As for the circulation-induced drift and thermospheric gas downwelling, they are believed to participate essentially in positive phase formation and will be considered below.

The above described proportionality of the electron concentration in the F2 -layer maximum to the [O]/[N 2 ] ratio was considered for decades to be enough to explain the negative phase by the atoms-to-molecules ratio variations. In the recent years more sophisticated analyses have shown that actually the [e]max dependence on [O] and [N 2 ] is more complicated [Mikhailov et al., 1989, 1995]. The electron concentration is proportional to [O] nn = 0.7-0.85 ) [Mikhailov et al., 1989], and hence the simultaneous variation of both [O] and [N 2 ] with the [O]/[N 2 ] ratio kept unchanged still leads to an increase of the electron concentration. That is what sometimes happens during ionospheric storms at low latitudes. The storm-induced circulation leads to a downwelling of the thermospheric gas at low latitudes and so to an increase of [O] and [N 2 ] without any significant changes of the [O]/[N 2 ] ratio [Mikhailov et al., 1995]. Satellite (for example, ESRO 4) measurements show a constancy of the [O]/[N 2 ] ratio in the downwelling zone during some storms. Attempts to reproduce this effect in a three-dimensional approximation were successful [Forster et al., 1999]. This is the nature of the majority of the ionospheric storms observed at latitudes below 30-40o.

Common features.

The vertical plasma drift is very important factor influencing the state of the F2 layer. In quiet conditions the drift is caused by the horizontal circulation. Equatorward and poleward horizontal winds lead to upward and downward drift, respectively, due to the inclination of the magnetic field lines at middle latitudes. In quiet steady-state conditions the drift is balanced with other processes. However, when a storm-induced circulation is present, it enhances or weakens the quiet-time circulation and so enhances or weakens the vertical drift.

fig05 In the midlatitude winter ionosphere in the daytime the zone of decreased [O]/[N 2 ] ratio is "closed" at high latitudes because the normal circulation prevents the heated gas penetration to middle latitudes. At the same time the quiet circulation is weakened by the opposite storm-induced circulation, so the downward drift of the plasma is weaker. It leads to new equilibrium conditions in the F2 layer maximum with its height hmF2 increasing and so increasing the electron concentration. That is the reason of the positive phase predominating in this conditions. An example of foF2, drift velocity, and hmF2 variations during a quiet and storm day (January 24-25, 1974) according to Mikhailov et al. [1998] is shown in Figure 5.

In summer the quiet-time and storm-induced circulation coincide (both are equatorward). In this case the upward vertical drift increases and again we should have positive phase. However it is not always the case because the storm-induced circulation brings the gas with depleted [O]/[N 2 ] ratio and that tends to reduce electron concentration in the F2 peak. The rivaling of the two factors explains why in summer both the positive and the negative phases are observed. It explains also the existence of the dead zones, when during several hours the dfoF2 modulus does not exceed 10%.

The above presented physical picture explains the most typical features of the ionospheric storm morphology. It is generally consistent with the scenario presented by Rees [1995]. But to explain some peculiarities of the storms, especially the ones during pronounced magnetic events, some other mechanisms are considered.

In the case of positive phases, which appear sometimes before the beginning of the corresponding magnetic disturbance, the above scheme does not work because there is still neither the depleted [O]/[N 2 ] nor the storm-induced circulation. It was suggested by Danilov and Belik [1991, 1992] that the effect may be related to some other channel of penetration of the disturbed solar wind energy to ionospheric heights rather than auroral precipitation. The channel was assumed to be soft particle precipitation in the region of the dayside cusp. The cusp is the only formation which starts to respond to the coming geomagnetic disturbances before any geomagnetic index does: the cusp begins to move equatorward a few hours before the beginning of the Dst depletion [Danilov and Belik, 1992].

The reason of the F2 peak vertical drift may be also electric fields penetrating from the magnetosphere. There is still no reliable evidence that strong enough electric fields (up to 70-100 mV m -1 ) may penetrate to middle latitudes to account for the positive phase as has been suggested by some authors (e.g. review by Danilov and Morosova [1985]). However, the electric field plays an important role in maintaining the F2 layer at equatorial latitudes and a dominant role in geomagnetic storm effects at equatorial latitudes.

In quiet conditions the Ey component of the electric field, which participates in the E times B drift, is eastward. In most cases during magnetic disturbances Ey decreases in the equatorial zone and this leads to a reduction of the downward drift and so to the positive phase [Mikhailov et al., 1994; Prolls, 1995]. However, during severe disturbances there may happen an increase of Ey with corresponding increase of the downward drift and corresponding negative phase [Turunen and Rao, 1980; Adeniyi, 1986; Danilov and Belik, 1991]. Evidently it was the case with the September 23, 1973 storm at the equator considered in detail by Mikhailov et al. [1994].

Strong magnetic fields are often observed in polar regions in the zone of Joule heating and field-aligned current dissipation. Due to the magnetic field geometry they do not produce such strong vertical drift as at low latitudes but they are able to influence the F2 -region behavior via the recombination coefficient. The rate of the O + + N2 reaction, which provides an important step in the recombination chain, depends strongly on the electric field [Schunk et al., 1975] and thus an increase of the field should lead to a depletion of electron concentration, that is to the negative phase. This, evidently, was the case over the EISCAT installation during the strong magnetic disturbance on April 3, 1990 when a strong electric field (85 mV m -1 ) was observed [Mikhailov and Schlegel, 1998].

Some positive effects in the electron concentration during geomagnetic disturbances may be due to the so called traveling atmospheric disturbances (TAD) [Prolls, 1995, Mikhailov et al., 1995]. The energy injected into the upper atmosphere during magnetic storms may generate TADs, which are pulse-like atmospheric perturbations, which propagate equatorward with the velocity of a few hundred meters per second and may exceed by a factor of 3-5 the velocity of moderate equatorward winds (about 150 m s -1 ). At middle latitudes the TADs would produce an increase of the vertical drift and so the positive phase in the same way as the "smooth" storm-induced circulation, but of much shorter duration.

Summarizing, we may draw the following picture of the ionosphere and thermosphere response at F2 -layer heights to geomagnetic disturbances:

- During such disturbances a large amount of energy is deposited into the thermosphere at high latitudes. This leads, first of all, to an increase of the neutral gas temperature T and variations of the neutral composition (decrease of the atoms-to-molecules ratio). Both factors contribute to a decrease of the electron concentration (the negative phase of an ionospheric storm) in the high-latitude ionosphere.

- The energy deposition produces also a strong enough storm-induced circulation which is directed equatorward and may coincide or conflict with the quiet-time circulation. Depending on this, the gas with depleted [O]/[N 2 ] is either brought towards low latitudes (and so the negative phase extends equatorward) or "locked" in the higher-latitude thermosphere.

- The storm-induced circulation increases the plasma upward vertical drift in the F2 layer and so leads to an uplifting of the layer and an increase of the electron concentration. This is the most frequent cause of the positive phase at middle latitudes. Sometimes (especially at lower latitudes) the downwelling of the circulation leads to an increase of the atomic oxygen concentration and so to the positive phase.

- Strong electric fields of magnetospheric origin may penetrate to F2 region heights during geomagnetic disturbances. These fields evidently contribute substantially to strong positive and negative phases (depending on the sign of the Ey zonal component) of ionospheric storms observed in the equatorial ionosphere. Moreover, such fields during prominent magnetic events may be responsible for strong negative phases observed immediately after the magnetic disturbance SC.

- Due to the energy injection into the thermosphere, traveling atmospheric disturbances are generated in the high-latitude thermosphere and propagate equatorward with the velocity much higher than the velocity of the regular meridional circulation. They may be responsible for short-period positive phases observed in the daytime at middle latitudes.

2.3. Modeling and Predictions

The modeling and predictions of geomagnetic storm effects on the F2 region ionosphere develop in two ways: 1) improvement of physical, semiempirical and empirical models and 2) exploitation of real-time data from the present-day and future solar-terrestrial monitoring systems, which among others allows application of neural networks for predictions [e.g., Cander and Mihajlovic, 1998].

A comparison of several physical models with experimental data [Anderson et al., 1998] showed that all models generally described well basic features of the F2 ionosphere, but each had some deficiency. Moreover, the main problem of modeling and, particularly, predicting the geomagnetic storm effects, is insufficient knowledge and/or accuracy of observational inputs into physical models, namely of various forms of coming external energy [e.g., Codrescu et al., 1997]. Thus physical models provide insight into physical processes associated with geomagnetic storm effects, but do not provide sufficiently accurate predictions. One more problem is that various ionospheric storms may have significantly different mechanisms, as shown for instance by EISCAT observations [Mikhailov and Schlegel, 1998]. Empirical or semi-empirical models do not provide sufficiently accurate predictions, as well.

The very recent development of prediction models is based on a new idea - first, to establish the background variation from monthly medians or other median or average values, either from physical models or statistical or other models, and then to scale these values by an empirical model to storm-time conditions [Fuller-Rowell et al., 1998; Muhtarov et al., 1998]. Such approach among others makes it possible to overcome the problem of somewhat different ionospheric effects of geomagnetic storms in different solar cycles [e.g., Field and Rishbeth, 1998].

3. F1 Layer

When we go down from the F2 -region maximum, the effect of geomagnetic storms in the neutral thermosphere becomes less dramatic. The influence of ionization and photo-chemistry processes on the ionospheric storm becomes more important, primarily due to shorter life-time of free electrons in the more dense atmosphere. The F1 region ionosphere is a region where both the neutral atmosphere changes (dominant in F2 ) and the ionization rate and photochemistry changes (dominant in the lower ionosphere) play an important role.

The thermosphere remains substantially disturbed. For instance, measurements of the total mass densities near 200 km by the SETA satellite reveal an increase of the total neutral density under day-time conditions at latitudes 60-80 o by about 50-70% with penetration of a substantial increase almost to the equator in the summer hemisphere, when geomagnetic activity increases from quiet ( Kp sim 1-2 ) to disturbed ( Kp sim 4-7 ). This increase is about one half in the winter hemisphere with much less equatorward penetration, mainly due to the prevailing summer-to-winter background meridional wind [Forbes et al., 1996].

The F1 region ionosphere response to geomagnetic storms has much less been studied than that in the F2 region. The electron density in the F1/E region (~100-200 km) is known generally to increase during magnetically disturbed nights [e.g., Rowe, 1974], but this increase substantially depends on altitude, somewhere the effect being almost none or even slightly opposite. An interesting result is that a remarkable spring/autumn asymmetry has been found - while in autumn in the altitude range 160-190 km the effect of geomagnetic storms is not detectable, in spring it is observed in a well-pronounced form down to about 180 km and only near and below 170 km it becomes non-detectable [Buresova and Mosert de Gonzalez, 1999].

An interesting effect at middle latitudes is filling in the valley between the E and F regions, as it is illustrated, for instance, by rocket measurements at Wallops Island [Geller et al., 1975] or ground-based measurements at Arecibo [Rowe, 1974].

Recently Bauske et al. [1997] demonstrated effects of another source contributing to enhanced nighttime ionization in the E and F1 region during geomagnetic storms at low and middle latitudes - precipitation of neutralized ring current particles (mainly hydrogen) in the energy range 1-100 keV.

4. E Layer

The ionospheric E region is a region where both the neutral atmosphere changes and the ionization rate and photochemistry changes play an important role in the response to geomagnetic storms. Their relative importance depends on altitude and latitudes. The electron density in the E region at high latitudes generally increases as a response to geomagnetic storms, but at middle and low latitudes the effect is opposite. The storm effects at high latitudes are remarkably better developed at night, when the corpuscular ionization source competes with much weaker non-corpuscular ionization sources than during daytime.

4.1. High Latitudes

The high-latitude ionosphere is a rather complicated and changeable formation. The ionospheric behavior in each particular point depends on many factors like its position, local and universal time, magnetic activity, the sign of various components of the interplanetary magnetic field etc. Any attempt to describe even briefly this problem would be out of the scope of this paper. We just state that all said above about the polar ionosphere variability on the whole is true for the high-latitude E region in particular.

There are several formations or sub-regions within the high-latitude ionosphere. However, for the purposes of this paper it is sufficient to consider two principal regions in which the E -region response to geomagnetic disturbances is different.

Fluxes of energetic electrons precipitating from the Earth's radiation belts are typical for the auroral oval. The intensity of these fluxes during magnetic storms and substorms may increase by several orders of magnitude [Avakyan et al., 1994, Hardy et al., 1985]. That results in an increase of the electron concentration in the entire E region. Even during moderate substorms the increase in the peak of the E layer may be by a factor of 2-2.5, and during strong enough magnetic storms it may exceed an order of magnitude [Troshichev, 1986]. For example, according to direct rocket measurements of Zhlud'ko and Chasovitin [1983] at Heiss Island under solar zenith angle of 96o, the value of [e] at 120 km increased from 1 times 104 cm -3 under moderate disturbance with Kp = 3+ to 1.5 times 105 cm -3 during magnetic storm with Kp = 6+. In some cases the electron concentration in the E -region peak may reach (4-6)times 105 cm -3 [Troshichev, 1986, Anderson et al., 1995].

An increase of geomagnetic activity leads to intensification of the irregular structure of the auroral E region (see, for example, Blagoveshchensky et al. [1983]; Ogawa and Igarashi [1982]). These irregularities also are clearly seen at the electron concentration vertical profiles obtained by rockets or incoherent scatter installations [Troshichev, 1986].

Sporadic Es layers in the high-latitude ionosphere are a special problem. The wind shear mechanism responsible for formation of Es layers at middle latitudes is not effective at high geomagnetic latitudes. But the occurrence frequency of Es in the auroral oval is much higher than at middle latitudes and increases with geomagnetic activity. There are several particular types of Es characteristic for auroral oval but often they are just called "auroral Es " [Troshichev, 1986]. The occurrence of auroral Es correlates with the intensity of aurora, because it is associated with penetration of particles of similar energies. The region of maximum probability of auroral Es occurrence has a crescent-type shape and is located approximately in the 2000-0600 MLT sector of the auroral oval. The real picture of the auroral Es occurrence distribution is rather complicated and depends on many factors, including the solar activity. Following the auroral oval, the region of the highest probability of Es occurrence expands during geomagnetic disturbances to lower geomagnetic latitudes. The intensity of auroral Es may be very high and the corresponding screening frequencies may reach 5 to- 7 MHz.

Contrary to the auroral oval, the response of the polar cap E layer to geomagnetic disturbances is relatively weak. The shape of electron concentration vertical profiles is very similar to that in the midlatitude E layer. Neither is there any significant increase in the probability of Es layer occurrence. The screening frequency of this layer (so called "plain" type contrary to the "slant" types typical for the auroral oval) is within 1.0-1.4 MHz both in quiet and disturbed conditions. Moreover, there are some indications [Troshichev, 1986] to the presence in the polar cap of a negative relation between Es occurrence frequency and geomagnetic activity.

The main cause of the above described differences in the E region response to geomagnetic activity in the auroral oval and the polar cap is the difference in precipitating particle fluxes. The electrons intruding the auroral region have energies above 1 keV and the most efficient in the E region are those with the energy of 1.2-1.4 keV. They produce the extra ionization in the entire E region and may create also narrow (sporadic) layers of ionization if the fluxes are rather monoenergetic. Since the intensity of the fluxes increases strongly with magnetic activity [Avakyan et al., 1994, Hardy et al., 1985] there is a strong response of the E layer to magnetic disturbances.

In the polar cap the energy of the precipitating electrons is much lower (below 600 eV) and they can not penetrate the atmosphere as deep as to the E layer. That explains the relative week response of the polar cap E region to geomagnetic disturbances. Formation of sporadic Es layers in the polar cap is evidently controlled by the magnetospheric convection [Besprozvannaya et al., 1983; Troshichev, 1986], the low velocities of the convection being more favorable for Es occurrence.

The increased ionization in the auroral E region leads to an intensification of nitric oxide formation. As a result, [NO] in the auroral E region may be by one-two orders of magnitude higher than at the same altitudes in the midlatitude E region. The latter fact has been confirmed experimentally (see e.g. Torr et al. [1995]) and is also manifested in variations of ion composition. The [NO + ]/[O 2+ ] ratio in the auroral E region is sometimes by an order of magnitude higher than at middle latitudes [Danilov, 1994]. During and after geomagnetic storms the excess of NO molecules is brought by the horizontal winds to middle latitudes and may lead there to the increase of the effective recombination coefficient and small decrease of [e] in the E region as described below.

4.2. Middle and Low Latitudes

The most pronounced effect in the midlatitude E layer is the depletion of the electron concentration in its maximum (or, which is the same, of foE ). The effect was for the first time described in detail by Beynon and Brown [1959] and then discussed by many authors (for references see the monograph by Antonova et al. [1996]). The magnitude of the effect is usually small (about 8-10%), so special procedures (smoothing, running means, regression equations) are usually applied to reveal the effect reliably. Antonova et al. [1994] analyzed 37 years of foE observations at the Moscow station. They have found that the mean value of the correlation coefficient RA between the specially calculated and filtered index of the E layer IE and the Ap geomagnetic index was - 0.38 pm 0.02 at the entire temporal interval considered with s (R) < 0.09. The mean value of the coefficient K in the regression equation

IE = K Ap + L

was found to be -0.57 pm 0.03.

Analysis of the time delay of the ionospheric response relative to geomagnetic disturbances was based on the position of the maximum of the cross-correlation function between IE and Ap. The delay was found to be 0.74 pm 0.07 days. That means that the maximum effect in foE is observed by about 18 hours after the corresponding maximum in  Ap.

fig06 Analyzing the reaction of foE to individual geomagnetic disturbances, Ivanov-Kholodny et al. [1991] showed that at least 80-90% of geomagnetic disturbances with the magnitude of DAp > 15 (  DAp is the excess in Ap during the three days analyzed relatively to the previous three days) are clearly manifested in the foE behavior (see Figure 6). Using the superposed epoch method Ivanov-Kholodny et al. [1991] obtained that there is a depletion of foE after geomagnetic disturbances. The average amplitude of the depletion is 0.07 pm 0.02 MHz and its maximum lags the maximum of the disturbance by 0.5 days. This result qualitatively agrees with the first estimates by Beynon and Brown [1959].

There is a latitudinal effect in the E -region response to geomagnetic disturbances [Antonova et al., 1996]. The magnitude of the negative effect in foE (or [e] ) increases with geographic latitude j. The mean depletion of [e] in the j< 40o zone is 2.0 pm 0.3% and outside the zone it is 3.3 pm 0.4%. The difference in the magnitudes exceeds 2 s and is significant. The magnitude of the ionospheric response at j > 60o is about twice that at j > 20o [Antonova et al., 1996].

There is no common agreement on the physical mechanisms responsible for the aforementioned depletion of foE and [e] after magnetic disturbances. Initially two mechanisms were proposed: variations of the neutral density and changes of the nitric oxide concentration. The density variation required is by a factor of 2-3, which seems unreal. The increase of [NO] should enhance the [NO +]/[ O 2+] ratio and the effective recombination coefficient ar which would result in a depletion of [e]. To provide the observed decrease of foE and [e] after geomagnetic disturbances one needs an increase of [NO] by a factor of 1.5-2. Such increase does not seem unreal, because there are indications to an increase of [NO] in the E region in geomagnetically disturbed conditions [Cravens and Stewart, 1978]. The advection of the nitric oxide molecules from the high-latitude ionosphere (where extra amount of NO is formed as a result of corpuscular ionization) may be a source of these increase [Ivanov-Kholodny and Nusinov, 1979]. Some role in the effective recombination coefficient increase may also be played by vibrationally excited NO + ions, the concentration of which may increase during disturbances because of the temperature increase [Antonova and Ivanov-Kholodny, 1989].

Morton and Matthews [1993] observed at Arecibo a strong effect of geomagnetic storms on sporadic E layers of the tidal ion layer type. During a very strong storm they found even complete disruption of tidal ion layers in the whole E region.

5. Lower Ionosphere

The lower ionosphere ( h < 100 km) responds very dramatically to geomagnetic storms [e.g., Lastovicka, 1988, 1996]. Its electron concentration is considerably enhanced, particularly in the auroral zone, which results in a large increase of radio wave absorption and, eventually, in the disappearance of radio signal in MF/HF ranges. This enhancement of electron density is caused by a strong increase of precipitation of energetic particles, mainly electrons of energies of tens to hundreds keV.

fig07 There are two different types of the lower ionosphere response to geomagnetic storms, as shown in Figure 7 in terms of the response of radio wave absorption or fmin (indirect measure of absorption). The first type, observed at high latitudes (Kiruna) and marked PSE I (post-storm effect, phase I), consists in a large increase of electron concentration and, thus, of radio wave absorption, which is coincident with the geomagnetic storm and caused by direct energetic electron injections from the magnetosphere into the auroral ionosphere. At middle latitudes (A3-MF, A3-LF data) we observe both phases of the PSE, the direct phase PSE I and delayed phase PSE II (aftereffect). The PSE I phase, coincident with geomagnetic storm, is considerably weaker than at auroral latitudes. The delayed phase PSE II, which is usually well separated from PSE I, may last up to 10 days and is usually the dominant phase of the PSE (although the difference between PSE I and PSE II magnitude is usually much less pronounced than in Figure 7). Subauroral latitudes (Uppsala) represent a transition zone from the auroral type effect to the mid-latitude type of the effect.

The PSE II is caused by a considerable increase of the pitch-angle diffusion, which forces the trapped energetic electrons, injected during the PSE I, to move into the loss cone and to precipitate. This mechanism works in the slot region between outer and inner radiation belts. The increase of the pitch-angle diffusion after the storm is caused by a considerable increase of the ELF-VLF wave activity (mainly emissions like plasmaspheric hiss) after the storm and motion of electrons into the loss cone via wave-particle interactions.

The low-latitude boundary of the geomagnetic storm effects on the lower ionosphere seems to be about 35-37o N, but the effects mostly do not reach latitudes much below 50o N (geomagnetic coordinates). The latitudinal boundary between the high-latitude direct effect and the midlatitude PSE II occurrence, which roughly coincides with the equatorward boundary of the auroral oval, varies substantially during geomagnetic storm periods. It had been used for tracking the motion of the equatorward boundary of the auroral oval by Wagner and Ranta [1983].

Geomagnetic storms affect considerably the lowermost part of the ionosphere and, thus, the ELF/VLF radio propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. Geomagnetic storms improve ELF/VLF radio propagation [e.g. Satori, 1991].

It should be mentioned that there is a region of anomalously intense particle precipitation, the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly. The effects of geomagnetic storms and particle precipitation in the South Atlantic anomaly are stronger than those at respective middle and moderate latitudes on the northern hemisphere.

There are also some changes in atmospheric electricity at lower ionosphere heights during geomagnetic storms. According to rocket measurements by Zadorozhny et al. [1994], the mesospheric maximum of electric field intensifies and its altitude increases with increasing geomagnetic activity at high latitudes, while there is little change at middle latitudes.

6. Middle Atmosphere

The energy of geomagnetic storm-related precipitating particles is lost not solely through ionization. It causes also excitation, heating and dissociation processes. As a consequence of this energy deposition, various effects has to exist in the neutral middle atmosphere. Such effects occur in temperature, composition, wind field, atmospheric emissions (particularly auroras), the tropopause height and temperature, and in the turbopause. Lastovicka [1988, 1989, 1996] briefly reviewed these effects. The most important ones, those in the temperature, composition and winds, are shortly described in the following subsections.

6.1. Temperature

Any energy deposition should result in increasing temperature. Lastovicka [1988, 1989] summarized various results of rocket soundings at Heiss Island, Volgograd and Wallops Island, and results of some other experiments. The strongest effect of geomagnetic storms was observed at high latitudes. However, the storm effect pattern does not differ qualitatively at high and middle latitudes, the difference is only quantitative. The results make it possible to suggest the following scheme of the geomagnetic storm effects on temperature in the middle atmosphere:

- lower thermosphere and upper mesosphere - heating;

- middle mesosphere (~70 km) - cooling;

- lower mesosphere (~60 km) - moderate heating;

- upper stratosphere - positive but marginal correlation.

fig08 Figure 8 shows an evident, well-developed anticorrelation of the energetic electron flux and temperature in the middle mesosphere as measured by rockets at Volgograd. This anticorrelation is caused by changes in atmospheric composition, which result in a decrease of solar radiation absorption with increasing particle flux and, thus, in a decrease of temperature. This temperature decrease in the middle mesosphere means that the downward propagation of heat from the lower thermosphere/upper mesosphere to the stratosphere is inhibited and cannot contribute to geomagnetic storm effects in the troposphere/lower stratosphere.

6.2. Wind

Lastovicka [1988, 1996] summarized older results on the geomagnetic storm/activity effects on winds in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere of high and higher middle latitudes. The existence of such effects at lower altitudes is questionable, if they occur at all. The effects occur in the prevailing wind (including zonal wind reversal in some events) as well as in tidal components. There is an apparent difference between North America (weaker effects) and Europe (stronger effects).

fig09 Singer et al. [1994] analyzed long-term wind measurements at several stations near 50o N. Figure 9 shows a westward wind acceleration of zonal wind near 95 km for all stations in Europe (geomagnetic latitude Fsim 50 o N), whereas the wind acceleration is eastward at Saskatoon (Canada, Fsim 60 o N) as a response to strong geomagnetic storms. This confirms the difference between Europe and North America, which has tentatively been interpreted in terms of different geomagnetic latitudes for the same geographic latitudes. The sign of the effect in Saskatoon did not change in the whole height range studied (~80-100 km). Singer et al. [1994] found an even stronger wind response in summer than in winter, partly due to a larger masking by internal atmospheric disturbances (e.g., by stratospheric warmings). The observed effects in tidal components and in the prevailing meridional wind were markedly smaller than those in the prevailing zonal wind. Fahrutdinova et al. [1998] observed at Kazan an evident dependence of the geomagnetic storm effect on altitude with a general tendency to westward and northward acceleration. Salah et al. [1996] found no effect of a geomagnetic storm of June 1991 on winds measured at 80-100 km over Millstone Hill and Durham (both 43o N), may be as a consequence of lower latitude.

At high latitudes, Price and Jacka [1991] and Price et al. [1991] found in Antarctica a statistically significant correlation of the horizontal wind with local K -index down to 86 km. The horizontal wind and its oscillations in the ranges of 1-3 and 2-6 hours were stronger and accompanied by a rather strong upward vertical wind under high geomagnetic activity conditions. Meteor radar wind measurements at the South Pole by Portnyagin et al. [1997] confirm the upwelling as a response to strong geomagnetic storms.

6.3. Composition

An important part of the upper middle atmosphere response to geomagnetic storms are changes of minor component composition, particularly of NO, as a consequence of energetic particle impact on production of atomic nitrogen. Due to the quasi-continuous particle penetration in the auroral zone as a result of magnetospheric activity (substorms etc.), the NO concentration in the upper middle atmosphere is, similarly to the lower thermosphere (see Section 4.2) remarkably higher at high latitudes than at middle latitudes, and it further decreases towards low latitudes. This was confirmed by rocket and satellite observations, e.g. references summarized by Rusch and Clancy [1987] and Lastovicka [1988]. The vertical and horizontal transport affect the NO distribution and partly diminishes the difference between high and mid-latitude NO concentration. A reduction of ozone concentration in the upper mesosphere is expected. This is much better pronounced and well-documented for the SPE events.

7. Lower Atmosphere

When we go down from the upper and middle stratosphere, into the troposphere and partly into the lower stratosphere the effect of geomagnetic storms re-appears, but as an effect of different morphology and origin (see subsection 7.4.), which is not caused by particle precipitation. The most promising mechanism at these altitudes seems to be at present the Tinsley's hypothesis of "electrofreezing", based on the geomagnetic storm modulation of the cosmic ray flux with subsequent modification of global electric circuit and intracloud electric and nucleation microprocesses (see subsection 7.3.).

7.1. Troposphere

The field of sun-weather relationships and, particularly, possible relationships between geomagnetic storms activity and tropospheric processes, has been controversial for many decades. Researchers have been divided into "believers" and "non-believers". Typical arguments of non-believers may be found for instance in Pittock [1978] or Salby and Shea [1991]. A comprehensive analysis of the reliability of methods of investigation and results was carried out by Taylor [1986] for the IMF sector boundary effects in the vorticity area index (VAI). Further on, we present some of the observational results (mainly correlations) of believers in support of reality of the effects of geomagnetic storms in the troposphere.

A review of earlier observational correlations was made by King [1975]. Roberts and Olson [1973] observed an effect of geomagnetic storms on the winter-time 300 hPa trough development in the North Pacific-North America area. A decrease of surface pressure after strong sporadic geomagnetic storms, developed particularly in the northern Atlantic/European and eastern Siberian/Aleutian sectors was reported in several papers of the group of Mustel [e.g., Mustel et al., 1977]. These two regions were confirmed by Smirnov [1984] to be the most sensitive areas of the northern hemisphere troposphere to solar-geomagnetic forcing. Bucha [1991] observed a decrease of surface air pressure in the northern Atlantic, deepening of the Icelandic low, a considerable zonalisation of the 500 hPa circulation, and related changes of temperature over the northern Atlantic and Europe as a consequence of geomagnetic storms; the effect was developed evidently better in winter than in summer. Bucha and Bucha [1998] among others summarized results of many Bucha's papers and specified geomagnetic storm effects on the surface temperature in various areas of the northern hemisphere middle and high latitudes, which differ even in their sign as a consequence of pressure field and circulation changes. Padgaonkar and Arora [1981] found an evident geomagnetic storm effect in the 500-hPa tropospheric vorticity area index, which is to some extent a measure of the degree of disturbed state of the troposphere.

fig10 Bochnicek et al. [1996] looked for regions of significant positive or negative deviations of winter temperatures in the northern hemisphere from long-term averages as caused by geomagnetic storms. They found such deviations to be principally dependent on the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). Their distribution was very macro-regional - there were (macro) regions of positive as well as negative deviations, which were not organized according to latitude or longitude. Bochnicek et al. [1998] obtained similar results also for wind fields in the troposphere. The macro-regional distribution of geomagnetic activity effects in the tropospheric wind field in winter at 850 hPa is illustrated by Figure 10. The effect evidently depends on the QBO phase. For the same phase, the wind deviation pattern from the mean state is quite different for high and low geomagnetic activity, but in all cases the pattern is very regional, not organized according to latitude or longitude.

We can establish three typical features of the effects of geomagnetic storms on the northern hemisphere troposphere:

1. Tropospheric effects are very (macro)-regional, the nature of this being probably the principal role of circulation changes and orography. The two most sensitive regions appears to be the north Atlantic/European region and the east Siberian/Aleutian region.

2. Tropospheric effects are much better developed in winter than in summer half of the year, i.e. in the period of lower direct solar energy input and less stable atmosphere.

3. Tropospheric effects in winter appear to be significantly dependent on the phase of QBO.

7.2. Total Ozone

Lastovicka et al. [1992] and Lastovicka and Mlch [1999] summarized various results of other authors on the effects of geomagnetic storms upon the total ozone content and found that these results did not provide a consistent pattern of the effect. In order to clarify this apparent inconsistency and to obtain a more global pattern of the total ozone response, Lastovicka et al. [1992], Mlch [1994] and Mlch and Lastovicka [1995] investigated the total ozone response to geomagnetic storms at higher midlatitudes of the northern hemisphere. These investigations resulted in a consistent pattern of the response.

fig11 Figure 11 shows how the effect in Europe near 50o N becomes more pronounced with more favorable conditions. If we take all major geomagnetic storms under high solar activity together, no significant effect is found in total ozone. If we select only events under the E -max conditions (solar activity maximum and the east QBO phase), the peak value on day +2 reaches 45 DU (Dobson Units) and it begins to be statistically significant. After turning to solely very strong storms ( Ap> 60 ), the effect of storms in total ozone in midlatitudinal Europe becomes statistically quite significant, it peaks at 60 DU on day +2 (values after days +6/+7 are "artificially" increased by the occurrence of other major storms). Very strong geomagnetic storms in winter under E -max conditions occur very rarely. On the other hand, all such events show a very persistent general pattern, quite close to the average one shown in Figure 11.

First, results of European ground-based measurements over 25 years were studied [Lastovicka et al., 1992]. Then TOMS measurements along 40, 50 and 60o N and related behavior of circulation parameters/indices were analyzed [Mlch, 1994; Mlch and Lastovicka, 1995]. The results of Lastovicka et al. [1992], Mlch [1994], Mlch and Lastovicka [1995], and Lastovicka and Mlch [1999] may be summarized as follows:

- There is an effect of geomagnetic storms in total ozone at northern higher middle latitudes. However, it occurs very rarely, only under specific conditions. A significant and persistent response of total ozone near 50o N to geomagnetic storms has been observed only for strong storms, in winter, and under solar activity maximum/E-QBO conditions. The last condition is equivalent to high solar activity/no major stratospheric warming condition, which is probably physically more relevant. No significant and persistent effect has been found under other conditions and/or near 60o N and 40o N.

- Just after a strong storm, we observe a significant increase of total ozone in European sector due to a substantial smoothing of longitudinal variation of total ozone. Such a variation is very weak in summer and, thus, there is no effect in summer. For a similar reason there is no effect in zonal mean total ozone.

- There are two sectors sensitive to geomagnetic storms both in total ozone and in tropospheric parameters - (1) North-eastern Atlantic + European sector; (2) Eastern Siberian + Aleutian sector.

- The total ozone response to major geomagnetic storms is probably caused by storm-induced changes in circulation. Changes of the circulation pattern agree (at least qualitatively) with changes in total ozone.

7.3. Mechanisms

There is no generally accepted mechanism for tropospheric effects of geomagnetic storms. The observed cooling in the middle mesosphere [e.g., Lastovicka, 1996] and absence of the geomagnetic storm effect in the middle stratospheric temperature exclude the possibility of direct downward transport of heat from the greatly heated auroral thermosphere down to the troposphere. The agent responsible for the tropospheric effects must basically skip across the stratosphere. Only two agents fulfill this request - the galactic cosmic ray flux modulated by the geomagnetic storm, and the global electric circuit and/or atmospheric electricity affected by in situ changes of conductivity and by ionospheric/magnetospheric electric fields and currents. The mechanism must include triggering and/or amplification phenomena, because the energy of storm-related atmospheric processes is by several orders of magnitude higher than the input energy of solar wind/geomagnetic storm origin.

No hypothesis based on direct changes of atmospheric electric field (e.g., that by [Markson, 1979]) has passed successfully through quantitative tests and calculations to show that such a mechanism can explain observations.

Recently Tinsley [Tinsley and Dean, 1991; Tinsley, 1996, 1997; and other Tinsley's papers] developed the electrofreezing-based hypothesis: solar wind changes, which cause also geomagnetic storms, modulate the cosmic ray flux; the modulated galactic cosmic ray flux changes the (upper) tropospheric ion production and, thus, the conductivity; simultaneously the electric potential difference between the ionosphere and earth is changed due to the IMF forcing at high latitudes; the vertical air-earth current is changed; in the presence of large-scale clouds, this current determines the rate of polarization charging of clouds via accumulation of positive electrostatic charge in droplets near cloud tops; this electrostatic charge influences substantially the rate of ice nucleation (electrofreezing); the rate of precipitation is changed; the net latent heat release and vertical motions are changed; atmospheric vorticity is changed; general circulation is changed. A large energy amplification is quite possible in this mechanism, e.g. in the supercooled cloud tops it seems to be sufficient to transform a very small fraction of water molecules into ice configuration to freeze the whole droplet. This amplification might be up to more than 11 orders of magnitude [Tinsley, 1997]. The electrofreezing mechanism can be significantly affected by the presence of volcanic (or other) aerosols in the atmosphere. However, this promising hypothesis needs further laboratory and model support and observational evidence.

In this context it may be of some interest that Veretenenko and Pudovkin [1997] found observationally an evident influence of the galactic cosmic ray flux on the solar radiation input into the lower stratosphere at higher latitudes (about 60-80o) via changes of high level clouds (cirrus).

7.4. Difference Between the Effects in the Troposphere and in the Upper Middle Atmosphere

When we go down from the upper middle atmosphere (upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere), the effect of geomagnetic storms weakens, becomes statistically insignificant, and can be hardly traced in the middle stratosphere (at least at middle latitudes). More down, it re-appears in the troposphere and partly in the lower stratosphere. However, this is a different effect. These differences in geomagnetic storm effects were studied by Lastovicka [1997] with the following results:

- Essentially no regionality, only dependence on (geomagnetic) latitude in the upper middle atmosphere versus strong regionality in the troposphere.

- Little seasonal dependence in the upper middle atmosphere versus strong seasonal dependence in the troposphere.

- No significant dependence in the upper middle atmosphere on the QBO versus a strong dependence on the QBO in the troposphere (at least in winter).

- The effect in the upper middle atmosphere is caused primarily by the energetic particle precipitation. In the troposphere, the origin is not reliably known, energetic particles are not responsible for the observed effects, possible modulation of galactic cosmic rays and atmospheric electricity plays a role.

- Triggering/amplification phenomena has to play a principal role in the troposphere, while they are unnecessary to account for the effects in the upper middle atmosphere.

Thus we can summarize that the effects of geomagnetic storms in the upper middle atmosphere and the troposphere are of different morphology, origin and nature.

8. Conclusion. "Height Profile" of the Effects of Geomagnetic Storms

In the F2 region of the ionosphere, the midlatitude response (both its positive and negative phase) to a geomagnetic storm is basically an ionospheric response to storm-induced changes in the neutral atmosphere. These changes, namely changes in composition and winds, are primarily a consequence of a strong Joule heating of the (auroral) thermosphere by storm-related electric currents. At lower heights, such a neutral atmosphere effect becomes less important, mainly due to shorter electron lifetime, which increases the role of ionization and photochemistry processes. At the base of the F1 region ( hsim 160-170 km), the storm effect becomes very weak, sometimes being absent. Further down, the most pronounced feature is the filling in of the valley between the E and F regions, which is caused predominantly by particle precipitation. At E -region maximum and below, the nitric oxide concentration increases due to enhanced production by precipitating particles, and the temperature increases, as well. There is a slight decrease of critical frequency foE at middle latitudes, even though below and well above the electron density increases. In the high-latitude ionosphere a significant enhancement of the electron concentration is observed.

Further down, in the lower ionosphere, a large increase of electron density, particularly at night, is observed at auroral and higher middle latitudes as a consequence of a very large increase of energetic particle precipitation. In the neutral lower thermosphere and mesosphere we observe some effects of enhanced particle precipitation, but these effects weaken with decreasing altitude. They become insignificant in the upper stratosphere and absent in the middle stratosphere. Further down, in the troposphere and partly in the lower stratosphere, the effect of geomagnetic storms re-appears, but as an effect of different morphology and origin, which is not caused by energetic particle precipitation. The most promising mechanism at these altitudes seems to be at present the Tinsley's hypothesis of "electrofreezing", based on the geomagnetic storm modulation of the cosmic ray flux with subsequent modification of global electric circuit and intracloud electric and nucleation microprocesses.

Thus we find at least three altitudinal regions of distinctly different geomagnetic storm-related processes responsible for observed effects:

1. F2 region, where the ionospheric effect is basically a response to storm-time changes of the neutral thermosphere caused primarily by Joule heating.

2. The lower ionosphere and upper middle atmosphere, where the effects are caused by storm-related injections and precipitation of energetic particles of magnetospheric origin.

3. The lower atmosphere, where the effect has different morphology as well as mechanisms, which is possibly related to changes in galactic cosmic ray flux and atmospheric electricity.

The effects of geomagnetic storm are generally strongest in the auroral zone, their amplitude weakens towards middle latitudes, some of them disappear at low latitudes, but some of them re-appear or strengthen near the geomagnetic equator, namely effects in the F2 region.


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