RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 21, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2020ES000751, 2021

Table 6. Numbers of Objects Classification of Which is Changed Compared with the Main Variant when Characteristics are Eliminated from Consideration
Classification Eliminated characteristic
change $H_\text{max}$ $H_\text{min}$ $\Delta{H}$ g$H$ Mor $B_\text{max}$ $B_\text{min}$ $\Delta{B}$ $A_\text{min}$
D $\to$ N 44, 68, 45 49, 51 16, 71, 44, 83 16, 19, 45, 71 19, 21,
78, 83, 76, 78, 21, 32 67
91 91 46, 67
68, 76
88, 97
N $\to$ D 72 77, 90 6, 43, 12, 33, 8, 33,
89, 92, 89, 94 35, 40,
94 89

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Citation: Gorshkov A. I., A. A. Soloviev (2021), Recognition of earthquake-prone areas in the Altai-Sayan-Baikal region based on the morphostructural zoning, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 21, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2020ES000751.

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