RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2020ES000693, 2020

Table 2. Variability of Potential Density in the BBL According to the SeaGuard RCM Data (From February to April, 2018) and in the Water Column According to the Aqualog Data (From November, 2015 to February, 2016)
Depth, m Period Min. Min. value, Max. Max. value, Delta, Delta,
value, water value, water BBL water
BBL column BBL column column
100 Entire period 13.97 13.66 15.88 15.40 1.81 1.74
100 6–10 March 13.97 15.57 1.70 1.74
130 Entire period 14.42 13.98 16.21 16.09 1.79 2.11
130 6–10 March 14.42 16.14 1.72 2.11
190 Entire period 15.97 15.85 16.60 16.57 1.63 1.72
190 6–10 March 15.97 16.49 1.52 1.72

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Citation: Zatsepin A. G., V. V. Kremenetskiy, O. I. Podymov, A. G. Ostrovskii (2020), Study of the effects of Ekman dynamics in the bottom boundary layer on the Black Sea continental slope, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2020ES000693.

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