RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 19, ES6012, doi:10.2205/2019ES000696, 2019

Development of geographically distributed information-analytical geological environment

V. V. Naumova, V. S. Eremenko, K. A. Platonov, S. E. Dyakov, M. I. Patuk, A. S. Eremenko


Development and adaptation of methods and technologies for processing and the analysis of territorially distributed polytypic geological information and services of its processing is described in this paper. On the basis of the created approaches, the developed methods and technologies, the carried-out design the basis of the information – analytical environment for support and maintenance of scientific research in geology which is carrying out integration of the polytypic territorially distributed geological information with use of specialized services of its analysis and processing is realized. Authors suppose that the developed platform of management of thematic services of processing and the analysis which is a part of the information – analytical environment will provide to users access to the storages of the modern knowledge-intensive algorithms and computing resources necessary for expeditious processing of larger arrays of polytypic geological data. The environment is intended for support and maintenance of scientific researches in geology.

Received 23 September 2019; accepted 25 November 2019; published 26 December 2019.

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Citation: Naumova V. V., V. S. Eremenko, K. A. Platonov, S. E. Dyakov, M. I. Patuk, A. S. Eremenko (2019), Development of geographically distributed information-analytical geological environment, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 19, ES6012, doi:10.2205/2019ES000696.

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