RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 19, ES6001, doi:10.2205/2019ES000687, 2019

Analogy method to determine the stress-strain state of structural-tectonic blocks of the Earth's crust for the disposal of radioactive waste

V. N. Morozov, V. N. Tatarinov, A. I. Manevich, I. V. Losev


The authors have analyzed the influence of tectonic faults located in the external stress field on the process of destruction of structural tectonic blocks. The article describes the impact of changes in the regional field of tectonic stresses on the geoecological safety of a deep radioactive waste disposal facility in the Nizhnekansky massif (the Krasnoyarsk Territory). The authors compared the results of modeling the stress-strain state of conditionally equivalent environment for two hierarchical levels: destruction of tile cladding of buildings and underground structures and carried out this comparison on a mega scale, for the epicentral zones of crust earthquakes. The above results provide a basis for using the analogy method for predicting the stability of structural tectonic blocks, since the obtained qualitative regularities of the process of destruction of the geological environment are not sensitive to the scale effect.

Received 25 September 2019; accepted 18 October 2019; published 12 November 2019.

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Citation: Morozov V. N., V. N. Tatarinov, A. I. Manevich, I. V. Losev (2019), Analogy method to determine the stress-strain state of structural-tectonic blocks of the Earth's crust for the disposal of radioactive waste, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 19, ES6001, doi:10.2205/2019ES000687.

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