RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 18, ES6002, doi:10.2205/2018ES000635, 2018

Table 3. Distribution of Integrated Lithium Resources in LSLDs of Different Types Through Supercontinent Cycles
CycleMetallogenic types of lithium LSLD
PegmatitesLi-F rare-metal granitesEpithermal strataboundSalar brines
Kenoran 22 17.22 0.78 1.42100.0
Columbian 7 2.44 0.35 1.05100.0
Rodinian 2 7.70 3.85 1.19100.0
Pangean 12 9.50 0.79 1.39 89.83 1.080.36 0.77 10.2
Amasian 4 3.28 0.82 1.35 7.6 2 1.280.64 0.67 3.0 3 6.49 2.16 0.9015.1 16 31.901.99 0.12 74.3
Total 47 40.14 0.83 1.34 49.05 2.360.47 0.71 3.0 3 6.49 2.16 0.908.1 16 31.901.99 0.12 40.0
Note: $x'$ – share of integrated resources of LSLDs of given type referred to the given supercontinent cycle relative to the total resources of the cycle (%); the other indications are the same as in Table 2.

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Citation: Tkachev A. V., D. V. Rundqvist, N. A. Vishnevskaya (2018), Metallogeny of lithium through geological time, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 18, ES6002, doi:10.2205/2018ES000635.

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