RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 18, ES6002, doi:10.2205/2018ES000635, 2018

Table 2. Distribution of Integrated Lithium Resources in LSLDs Through Supercontinent Cycles
Supercontinental cycle (Ga) $N$ $R$ $R_m$ $C$ $X$ $x$
Kenoran ($>2.25$) 2217.22 0.78 1.42 21.3 35.2
Columbian (1.35–2.25) 7 2.44 0.35 1.05 3.0 5.0
Rodinian (0.75–1.35) 2 7.70 3.85 1.19 9.5 15.7
Pangean (0.19–0.75) 15 10.58 0.71 1.28 13.1 21.6
Amasian ($<0.19$) 25/9 42.94/11.041.72/1.23 0.15/0.96 53.1 22.5
Total 71/55 80.89/48.991.14/0.89 0.69/1.25 100.0 100.0
Note: a) indications of columns: $N$ – number of selected LSLDs, $R$ – total integrated resources (mined + reserves + resources, $10^6$ tons Li$_2$O), $R_m$, mean quantity of integrated resources per LSLD ($10^6$ tons Li$_2$O), $C$ – weighted mean grade of Li$_2$O in ores (%), $X$ – share of integrated resources of LSLDs referred to the given supercontinent cycle relative to the entire sampling (%), $x$ – the same minus hydromineral resources (%); b) template of data record for the Amasian and Total: $n/m$, where $n$ is the data for all LSLDs, $m$ is the same minus hydromineral LSLDs.

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Citation: Tkachev A. V., D. V. Rundqvist, N. A. Vishnevskaya (2018), Metallogeny of lithium through geological time, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 18, ES6002, doi:10.2205/2018ES000635.

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