RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 18, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2018ES000626, 2018

Figure 9. Jump recognition results for each component $B_x$, (upper plot), $B_y$ (middle plot) and $B_z$ (lower plot). $B_x$ component does not contain jumps. Grey rectangles outline the simultaneous occurrence of jumps in $B_y$ and $B_z$ components; green rectangle outline jumps, which are present in the $B_y$ component only.

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Citation: Soloviev A., Sh. Bogoutdinov, S. Agayan, R. Redmon, T. M. Loto'aniu, H. J. Singer (2018), Automated recognition of jumps in GOES satellite magnetic data, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 18, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2018ES000626.

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