RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 17, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2017ES000606, 2017

Figure 11. Schematic illustration of the ULF wave energy propagation channels from the substorm origin ("tailquake" marked by black star) to the Earth's ionosphere via Alfvenic (A) or fast magnetosonic (M) modes. Dotted lines indicate region of the mode conversion.

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Citation: Martines-Bedenko V. A., V. A. Pilipenko, M. J. Engebretson, M. B. Moldwin (2017), Time-spatial correspondence between Pi2 wave power and ultra-violet aurora bursts, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 17, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2017ES000606.

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