RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 17, ES3001, doi:10.2205/2017ES000599, 2017

Application of automated lineament analysis of satellite images in modern geodynamics research: A case study

V. N. Zakharov, A. V. Zverev, A. T. Zverev, V. A. Malinnikov, O. N. Malinnikova


This article describes the experience of geodynamic zoning of the Earth's crust and detection of its block structure based on the multi-scale automated lineament analysis of satellite images. The uniform blocks in the crust typically have similar patterns of rose diagrams of lineaments. The patterns change at the intersection of a morphostructural lineament between heterogeneous blocks. Stress state of the Earth's crust blocks is assessed by the schemes of densities of lineaments (strokes): as a rule, zones of the increased density of lineaments are related with tension while zones of the decreased density of lineaments are connected with compression. Flow paths of interstitial water are traced by the presence of zones of the increased density of lineaments (strokes) oriented across river valleys. The risk of landsliding is defined by the existence of zones of interstitial water flow paths toward the outlets in river valleys. Earthquakes are predicted by the lineament analysis of satellite images obtained a few months before and after an earthquake. Before an earthquake, the form of the rose diagrams and the ratio between the lengths of lineaments of different extend regularly change.

Received 15 May 2017; accepted 5 June 2017; published 15 September 2017.

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Citation: Zakharov V. N., A. V. Zverev, A. T. Zverev, V. A. Malinnikov, O. N. Malinnikova (2017), Application of automated lineament analysis of satellite images in modern geodynamics research: A case study, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 17, ES3001, doi:10.2205/2017ES000599.

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