RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 17, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2017ES000596, 2017

Figure 4. a) graphic above: the shear deformations intensity maximum by calculation on the depth 3.5–10 km, (layer 2 of the upper Earth crust in the model, where all seismicity in general take place), vertical line show the simultaneous appearance of the larger deformation to the north along the fault from the future epicenter $M=7.2$, graphic below: the latitudes on San Andreas fault with the shear deformation maximums, vertical lines show the place with simultaneous appearance of deformation; b) graphic above: the parameter $D$ maximum variation – approaching the earth crust to the strength limit, graphic below: the latitudes on San Andreas, where $D$ maximum take place. The calculations rely to 1-th and 15-th each month.

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Citation: Bondur V. G., I. A. Garagash, M. B. Gokhberg (2017), The dynamics of the stress state in Southern California based on the geomechanical model and current seismicity: Short term earthquake prediction, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 17, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2017ES000596.

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