RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 16, ES3001, doi:10.2205/2016ES000568, 2016

Table 2. Statistical Testing of Deformation by $F$ and Range Criteria
Parkfield, September 2004, $M=6.0$El Mayor Cucapah, April 2010, $M=7.2$
Time interval before the earthquake (years) Time interval from the first epoch (years) $F$
($F_{\mathrm{crit}} = 1.2$, $P>0.01$, $n-k=288)$
$R_{\Delta} \pm \sigma_{\Delta R}$ $(10^{-5}) $ Time interval before the earthquake (years) Time interval from the first epoch (years) $F$
($F_{\mathrm{crit}} = 1.2$, $P>0.01$, $n-k=288)$
$R_{\Delta} \pm \sigma_{\Delta R}$ $(10^{-5})$
$-1.74$ 1.00 32.7 $0.91 \pm 0.06$ $-3.17$ 0.91 35.7 $0.16 \pm 0.02$
$-0.80$ 1.94 106.5 $1.83 \pm 0.09$ $-1.98$ 2.09 38.6 $0.35 \pm 0.01$
$-0.01$ 2.74 158.3 $2.86 \pm 0.11$ $-0.01$ 4.09 72.5 $0.65 \pm 0.02$
$+0.01$ 2.74 2538.7 $ 8.77 \pm 0.08 $ $+0.01$ 4.09 22.5 $2.51 \pm 0.09$
$+0.24$ 3.00 4976.6 $ 15.5 \pm 0.10 $ $+1.74$ 5.83 646.9 $2.82 \pm 0.02$
$+1.24$ 3.99 8646.2 $ 22.6 \pm 0.10 $ $+5.58$ 9.66 415.0 $3.16 \pm 0.03$

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Citation: Kaftan V., A. Melnikov (2016), Deformation precursors of large earthquakes derived from long term GNSS observation data, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 16, ES3001, doi:10.2205/2016ES000568.

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