RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 15, ES1003, doi:10.2205/2015ES000547, 2015

Table 3. Magnetic Characteristics of the Dunite Samples
Sample $I_{n}$, $\chi, 10^{-3}$ Q $I_{rs}/I_{s}$ $I_{s}$, $I_{rs}$, $H_{c}$, $H_{rc}$, $H_{rc}/H_{c}$ $T_{c}(I_{s}$), $I_{st}/I_{so}$ $C$,
A/m SI units $10^3$ A/m $10^3$ A/m mT mT ° C vol %
NP06-20/1 18.4 67.3 7.0 0.09 5.7 0.53 7.1 17.8 2.5 595 0.44 1.26
NP06-51/2 4.5 57.7 1.98 0.08 3.26 0.24 5.8 16.4 2.8 590 0.60 0.72
NP06-32/1 2.6 88.0 0.75 0.19 4.4 0.82 12.0 24.3 2.0 590 0.45 0.97
NP06-26/2 0.9 70.4 0.03 0.16 4.34 0.69 11.7 22.6 1.9 595 0.45 0.96
NP06-54/2 3.9 110. 0.9 0.10 8.96 0.93 7.2 15.8 2.18 600 0.45 1.99
NP06-43/4 21.0 49.0 10.9 0.14 4.65 0.64 9.6 18.5 1.92 600 0.46 1.03
NP06-54/3 1.6 20.1 2.1 0.12 1.10 0.13 7.6 16.0 2.11 595 0.39 0.24
NP06-57/2 1.4 32.6 1.1 0.13 4.38 0.58 9.4 20.8 2.22 600 0.61 0.97
NP06-20/2 135 109. 31.5 0.11 11.26 1.27 7.9 18.4 2.33 595 0.63 2.50
NP06-23/3 0.34 37.9 0.2 0.13 3.59 0.48 9.6 20.3 2.12 600 0.59 0.79
NP06-46/2 4.6 49.2 2.4 0.16 4.41 0.71 11.2 20.6 1.83 595 0.52 0.98
NP06-49/2 13.6 47.1 7.4 0.23 4.54 1.04 13.0 19.6 1.5 595 0.41 1.00
NP06-53/2 7.8 58.4 3.1 0.13 4.7 0.58 8.6 18.3 2.14 595 0.50 1.04
Note: $I_{n}$ – natural remanent magnetization; $\chi$ – magnetic susceptibility; $Q$ – Koenigsberger ratio; $I_{s}$ – saturation magnetization; $I_{rs}$ – remanent saturation magnetization; $H_{c}$ – coercive force; $H_{rc}$ – remanent coercive force; $T_{c}$ – Curie temperature for magnetite; $I_{st}/I_{so}$ – ratio of the saturation magnetization of the sample after its heating to 700° C to its initial saturation magnetization; $C$ – volumetric percentage of magnetite in the sample calculated from the saturation magnetization value $I_{s}$.

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Citation: Popov K. V., B. A. Bazylev, V. P. Shcherbakov, V. A. Tsel'movich, N. N. Kononkova (2015), Thermomagnetic analysis of ultramafic rocks: A case study of dunite from the Pekul'ney Complex, Chukotka, NE Russia, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 15, ES1003, doi:10.2205/2015ES000547.

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