RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 14, ES2002, doi:10.2205/2014ES000540, 2014

Table 7. He-Ar Isotopes ($10^{-6}$cm$^3/$g) of Ultramafic Xenoliths and Enclosed Basalt [Grachev, 1999]
N Sample Rock, mineral Weight, g $^4$He $^3$He/$^4$He $^{40}$Ar $^{40}$Ar/$^{36}$Ar
1 TS-90-5 Sp.Lhr 1.4519 0.18 2.4$\pm$0.1 0.51 1372$\pm$25
2 TS-90-5 Ol 1.1016 0.21 2.5$\pm$0.1 0.50 300$\pm$2
3 TS-90-5 Ol* 1.549 0.22 2.9$\pm$0.3 - -
4 TS-90-5 Ol 0.4330 0.15 10.0$\pm$3.0 0.22 318$\pm$7
5 TS-90-5 Ol 1.3851 0.0095 58$\pm$6 0.12 325$\pm$7
6 TS-90-5 Py 1.0442 0.025 22$\pm$2 0.21 338$\pm$6
7 TS-91-1 Ol 1.0577 0.0235 28 nd nd
8 TS-91-1 Rpy 0.7613 0.07 11.7 nd nd
9 TS-91-1 Ti oxide 0.4309 0.091 5.0 nd nd
10 TS-90-1/4 gabbro 0.8580 0.24 1.8$\pm(-0.2)$ 0.61 354$\pm$5
11 TS-90-5 limburgite 0.7673 4.8 0.05$\pm$0.005 6.1 1500$\pm$10
12 TS-90-5 " 0.7668 4.5 0.045$\pm$0.01 5.5 1550$\pm$15
13 TS-90-5 " 0.3410 4.7 0.02 5.7 1245$\pm$15
14 TS-90-1 basalt 0.7097 3.9 0.11$\pm$0.02 3.4 1455$\pm$15
15 TS-90-1 " 0.5366 4.4 0.073$\pm$0.015 5.6 1070$\pm$10
16 TS-90-1 basalt 0.7097 3.90 0.11$\pm$0.02 3.4 1455$\pm$15
17 TS-90-1 " 0.5366 4.40 0.073$\pm$0.01 5.6 1070$\pm$10
18 TS-90-1/5 Amph** 0.5209 0.53 1.5$\pm$0.1 5.1 1690$\pm$10
19 TS-91-1 Ol** 0.5574 0.226 3.1$\pm$0.3 nd nd
20 TS-91-1 Cpy** 0.7273 0.212 2.9$\pm$0.3 nd nd
21 TS-90-1 basalt*** 2.0 1.0 0.85 nd nd
Note: * - after leaching HNO$_3$, ** - megacrysts, *** - crushing; nd - not.

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Citation: Grachev A. F., P. V. Ermolov, Yifen Wang (2014), Modification of the lithospheric mantle during the early activity of a cenozoic plume in the North Tien Shan: Evidence from mantle xenoliths in basalts, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 14, ES2002, doi:10.2205/2014ES000540.

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