RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 14, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2014ES000535, 2014

Table 6. Estimated zircon crystallization temperatures
Grain number Ti content, ppm Temperature, ° C
of zircons
2 14.31 769
3 12.39 756
4 14.65 771
5 6.24 697
6 22.70 814
9 7.54 713
10 12.91 760
12 8.37 722
13 20.87 805
16 14.77 772
17 19.88 801
19 31.46 848
20 19.13 797
24 11.94 753
25 26.03 828
26 115.39 1007
27 16.44 782
30 5.98 694
32 22.02 811
33 13.12 761
35 1.72 604
37 4.25 667
38 10.50 741
39 13.45 763
40 12.25 755
41 27.26 833

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Citation: Grachev A. F., S. E. Borisovsky, T. F. Zinger (2014), Morphology and geochemistry of zircon in bentonite ash at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Anthering Formation, Eastern Alps, Austria, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 14, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2014ES000535.

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