RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 14, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2014ES000535, 2014

Morphology and geochemistry of zircon in bentonite ash at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Anthering Formation, Eastern Alps, Austria

A. F. Grachev, S. E. Borisovsky, T. F. Zinger


The morphology and concentrations of trace elements and rare earth elements (REE) of zircon from a transitional layer of bentonite ash at the Paleocene–Eocene boundary at a locality north of Salzburg in the Eastern Alps suggest a magmatic genesis of the zircon, and data on the REE distribution in the mineral testify to an oceanic nature of the magmas. A more reliable criterion of the nature of the magmatic source is data on the Li concentrations; the latter in some of the zircon grains are much lower than the minimum values typical of the continental crust. It is hypothesized that a zircon type exists that is related to plume magmatism.

Received 28 January 2014; accepted 28 January 2014; published 11 February 2014.

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Citation: Grachev A. F., S. E. Borisovsky, T. F. Zinger (2014), Morphology and geochemistry of zircon in bentonite ash at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Anthering Formation, Eastern Alps, Austria, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 14, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2014ES000535.

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