RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 12, ES5003, doi:10.2205/2012ES000522, 2012

Table 1. The Data on Recognition of LR-Disturbances
$i_{1}$ NDBC $i_{2}$ NDBC $i_{1}$ GC RAS $i_{2}$ GC RAS $\alpha_{lR}$
1 660,314 660,339 660,3216 660,382 0.77
2 998,466 998,824 998,511 998,562 0.97
3 2,235,851 2,235,915 2,235,871 2,235,912 0.87
4 2,394,185 2,394,337 2,394,221 2,394,262 0.98
5 3,055,796 3,057,107 3,056,341 3,05,6402 0.99
6 3,057,394 3,059,870 3,056,511 3,056,572 0.98
7 3,080,259 3,080,404 3,080,251 3,080,322 0.98
8 3,709,684 3,709,735 3,709,691 3,709,732 0.45
9 4,416,084 4,416,257 4,416,081 4,416,120 0.97
10 5,100,460 5,100,557 5,100,461 5,100,502 0.44
11 6,704,179 6,704,246 6,751,311 6,751,352 0.66
12 6,985,705 6,985,835 6,985,771 6,985,812 0.53
13 7,571,284 7,571,402 7,571,351 7,571,402 0.89

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Citation: Getmanov V. G. (2012), Method of spectral-time analysis for recognition of anomalies in time series with Raleigh- and tsunami-wave disturbances in signals from hydrostatic pressure sensors of ocean bottom seismic stations, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 12, ES5003, doi:10.2205/2012ES000522.

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