International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
Vol 1, No. 2, November 1998

Auroral oval determined by precipitating particles: Effects of the IMF B y component

E. M. Shishkina and O. A. Troshichev

Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia



Measurements of precipitating particles on board the DMSP F8 and F9 spacecraft in February-March 1990 have been used to determine effects of the IMF azimuthal and vertical components and magnetic activity. The poleward and equatorward oval boundaries have been determined with allowance for auroral ions, the boundary of hard auroral precipitation (HAP boundary) being determined by electrons with Ee > 1 keV. A method of automatic identification of the boundaries has been applied in the study. Statistical analysis showed that all three boundaries are influenced to a greater extent by magnetic activity ( AE index) than by variations of the IMF. When magnetic activity and southward IMF increase, the average auroral oval in the noon, dawn, and dusk sectors displaces equatorward, keeping its width. The influence of the IMF By component manifests itself after the exclusion of AE/Bz effects in the displacement of the poleward and HAP boundaries toward dawn or dusk, according to the By sign. The shape of the poleward and HAP boundaries is circle-like, and the polar cap has an appropriate configuration. The center of the polar cap is displaced along the dawn-dusk meridian under the influence of the IMF By component. Signatures of a teardrop- or pear-shaped polar cap have not been founded.


The influence of IMF and magnetic activity on the auroral oval has been founded on the basis of auroral imaging data [Akasofu et al., 1973; Feldstein and Starkov, 1967; Holzworth and Meng, 1984; Lassen, 1963] and has subsequently been confirmed by spacecraft measurements of auroral precipitating particles [Gussenhoven et al., 1981; Hardy et al., 1981, 1985, 1989; Kamide and Winningham, 1984; Makita et al., 1983, 1985, 1988]. The auroral oval displaces equatorward and expands when the IMF is southward or a substorm is in progress, and it displaces poleward when the IMF turns northward. In spite of a large amount of observations, the statistical relationship between oval boundaries and geomagnetic activity or IMF parameters was examined in only a few studies: Hardy et al. [1985, 1989] presented statistical models of auroral electron and ion precipitation as a function of the Kp index; Makita et al. [1983, 1985] examined variations of the oval boundaries as a function of the AE index and Bz ; and Holzworth and Meng [1984] showed the dependence of the auroral oval on the IMF Bz and By components.

The question on the poleward boundary of the oval under conditions of a northward IMF remains open up to now. The polar cap is usually identified with the near-pole region free of aurora and corresponding fluxes of accelerated auroral electrons. However, in conditions of strong northward IMF the Sun-aligned aurora as well as accelerated electrons, similar to those precipitating in the oval, may be present just in the near-polar region [Gorney et al., 1986; Gusev and Troshichev, 1986, 1992; Gussenhoven, 1982; Ismail and Meng, 1982; Ismail et al., 1977; Lassen and Danielsen, 1978; Murphree et al., 1983; Valladares et al., 1994]. In such a case, the concept of a polar cap, as a region free of aurora, leads to a polar cap that is teardropshaped, pearshaped, or slotshaped [Elphinstone et al., 1990; Hones et al., 1989; Lassen et al., 1988] or looks like a little spot near the daytime cusp [Hoffman et al., 1985]. An alternative point of view is that the polar cap and auroral oval can be distinguished by a difference in background diffuse precipitation of soft electrons and ions and by sharp drops in the precipitating ion and electron fluxes, respectively [Newell et al., 1996; Troshichev et al., 1996a]. Accordingly, two regions of large-scale precipitation are present at high latitudes. The first region is the auroral oval, where electron and ion precipitation is highly correlated irrespective of IMF polarity. The other region is the polar cap, wherein for Bz > 0 the diffuse electron and ion precipitation is 1 or more orders of magnitude weaker than that in the oval, although isolated spikes of accelerated electrons occur, and for Bz < 0 , only an unstructured flux of low-energy polar rain electrons with no ion precipitation easily resolvable is observed.

Knowledge of the influence of the IMF By component on the auroral oval configuration is sparse. According to Holzworth and Meng [1984], the center of the auroral circle shifts duskward in the southern hemisphere when By changes from negative to strongly positive. An analogous result was obtained by Troshichev et al. [1996b] for a circle representing the poleward boundary of the hard auroral precipitation (HAP): the center of the HAP circle in the northern hemisphere moves toward dawn (dusk) with By > 0 (By < 0) ; the HAP circle in the southern hemisphere shifts in the opposite direction. Another conception was put forward by Elphinstone et al. [1990], who performed a case study of the auroral oval configuration on the basis of auroral images from the Viking spacecraft. According to Elphinstone et al. [1990], the By component inflates either dawnside or duskside of the pear-shaped polar cap depending on the By sign.

The aim of this study is a statistical treatment of the effects of the IMF azimuthal component on configuration and position of the auroral oval determined by precipitating particles. To reveal these effects, we have to take into account a stronger influence of the IMF Bz component and magnetic activity. Three auroral oval boundaries are examined in our analysis: the poleward boundary of the regular auroral oval, the poleward boundary of hard auroral precipitation (HAP boundary), and the equatorward boundary.

Identification of Auroral Oval Boundaries

According to Troshichev et al. [1996a], the poleward boundary of the auroral oval is easily identified for all conditions by a decrease of the diffuse background ion and electron precipitation and, correspondingly, by a decline in averaged normalized ion and electron fluxes. The method proposed by Troshichev et al. [1996a] has been slightly modified in this analysis. The electron and ion number fluxes are converted to a 0.5o running mean, which is normalized by the flux peak observed for each ascending and descending node. Then latitudes at which the normalized and averaged fluxes drop to the 0.10, 0.15, or 0.20 level are determined for ions. If one of these three latitudes agrees with the drop in the normalized and averaged electron flux, that latitude is taken as a poleward boundary of the auroral oval. If no correspondence between the electron and ion boundaries is reached, the crossing is excluded from the study. The latter can occur when the spacecraft does not reach sufficiently high latitude to enter the polar cap. The poleward boundary identified in such a way is equivalent to the poleward edge of the main auroral oval in the Newell et al. [1996] scheme, where this boundary is marked by a spatially sharp dropoff in flux energy by a factor of at least 4 down to the levels below that typical of the auroral oval. Although this dramatic dropoff does not always occur at precisely the same location for electrons and ions, in practice both species indicate the same boundary as b5 in Newell et al. [1996].

The poleward boundary of hard auroral precipitation (HAP boundary) has been identified by Troshichev et al. [1996b] as a boundary at which the averaged and normalized flux of electrons with Ee > 0.45 keV drops below the 0.1 level. Our analysis showed that the position of the HAP boundary is practically invariant when the threshold level varies from E > 0.45 keV to E > 3 keV. As a result, in this study we choose the more representative threshold level of Ee > 1 keV as to identify the boundary of the hard auroral precipitation. This boundary is evidently different to the "transition boundary" of Makita et al. [1983], at which the intensity of the 2.35-keV electrons decreased noticeably. The transition boundary has been regarded by Makita et al. [1983] as a boundary between the hard auroral precipitation, typical of the diffuse part of the oval, and soft precipitation, typical of the discrete oval.

The equatorward boundary of the auroral oval is determined here in a different manner for dawn and dusk sectors in accordance with peculiarities of ion and electron precipitation: the dawn boundary is determined by a drop of the averaged and normalized electron flux below the 0.1 level, the equatorward dusk boundary is determined by a drop of the ion flux below the same level. This boundary is close to the "zero-energy" convection boundaries, b1e and b1i , in the Newell et al. [1996] scheme, which are identified by an increase in the ion and electron energy fluxes by a factor of 2.

This combined automated algorithm has been applied to particle data obtained on board the DMSP F8 and F9 spacecraft in February-April 1990. Analysis has been carried out separately for the northern and southern hemispheres for geomagnetic latitudes above 60o. If equatorward or poleward boundaries could not be determined, these orbits were deleted from the statistical analysis. The equatorward, HAP, and poleward boundaries of the precipitation region were determined for every available magnetic local time (MLT). The AE index has been taken as a measure of magnetic activity in the auroral zone. In the former studies [Makita et al., 1983, 1988] parameterization of the oval boundaries was fulfilled by using the hourly AE index or the average Bz component taken 1 hour before. The Makita et al. [1983, 1988] results showed extremely large dispersion of data. That is why in our analysis we have tried to estimate the role of the delay time for the Bz component. With this purpose, we have calculated the solar wind parameters for the following time intervals preceding the moment of the oval crossings: 10-30 min ( tdelay = 20 min), 20-60 min ( tdelay = 40 min), and 30-90 min ( tdelay = 60 min). Unfortunately, data on the solar wind velocity turned out to be so meager that they could not be used in statistical analysis. In the case of the Bz component, the results of the analysis are as follows: the location of the boundaries and statistical characteristics (coefficients of correlation and regression) change only slightly and nonsystematically if the delay time varies from 20 to 40 or 60 min. Because of this, we shall demonstrate below only the results for tdelay = 40 min. Similar to Makita et al. [1983], we used in our analysis the hourly AE index.

fig01 In order to make the average precipitation patterns statistically more significant, we combine the precipitation data for 2-hour MLT intervals. MLT sectors with numbers of boundaries less than 50 were not examined in our analysis. In such a way, the locations of the average poleward, HAP, and equatorward boundaries were obtained for eight MLT sectors (0300-0500, 0500-0700, 0700-0900, 0900-1100, 1100-1300, 1700-1900, 1900-2100, and 2100-2300 MLT). Figure 1 presents a number of the identified boundaries in different MLT sectors with the data available on the IMF parameters and AE indices for tdelay = 40 min.

Allowance for Magnetic Activity and the Vertical IMF Component

fig02 To take into account the effects of magnetic activity and the IMF Bz component, we calculated averages for 100-nT-wide bins of the AE index and for 5-nT-wide bins of the Bz component, independently. Figure 2 shows the average latitudinal location of the equatorward, HAP, and poleward boundaries of the oval for six MLT sectors in the northern hemisphere as a function of the AE index, values of the Bz component being arbitrary. The lines in Figure 2, represent a linear approximation calculated with regard to all observations under analysis. One can see that the latitudes of all three boundaries in the dawn, dusk, and noon sectors regularly decrease with AE index increase, the correlation coefficients R being in the range 0.41-0.74. It is remarkable that the decrease rate, determined by the regression coefficient  K , is almost the same for all three boundaries in each MLT sector, being maximum near noon ( K = 0.01 ). It means that the statistical auroral oval in the dawn, dusk, and noon sectors shifts equatorward as a whole, keeping its width, with a rate of about 1o per 100 nT of the AE index growth. Near midnight (2100-2300 MLT) the equatorward boundary alone displaces toward low latitudes with increasing AE index, whereas the statistical poleward and HAP boundaries keep their position (the corresponding coefficients of correlation and regression are close to zero). Therefore the auroral oval in the midnight sector expands equatorward mainly at the cost of the appropriate shift of the equatorward boundary. Since the equatorward boundary in the evening sector was determined by ion precipitation, this boundary occurred to be about 2o lower than that in the morning sector. The same regularities are seen in the southern hemisphere, excluding a slightly higher decrease rate for all three boundaries in the dawn sector.

fig03 The dependency of the oval boundary latitudes on the IMF vertical component is less prominent, if values of the AE index are arbitrary (Figure 3). The correlation coefficients do not exceed 0.5 in any MLT sector, and the rate of the latitude decrease with negative Bz is rather small: in the northern hemisphere the boundaries shift by 0.23-0.27o in the dawn sector and 0.16o in the dusk sector as the Bz component decreases by 1 nT. It means that the auroral oval is displaced equatorward by no more than 3o when Bz changes from zero to -10 nT. Similar results are obtained for the southern hemisphere. It should be noted that the dependence of the boundary positions on Bz seems to be identical for negative and positive values of Bz (see Figure 3); that is, the sign of the Bz gradient is effective irrespective of the Bz sign. In the dawn, dusk, and noon sectors the influence of the Bz component looks similar to the AE index effect: the auroral oval displaces as a whole with change of Bz , with a maximum rate near noon (coefficient of regression K = 0.36 ). The poleward and HAP boundaries of the oval near midnight are practically insensitive to changes in the Bz component: the correlation between latitudes of these boundaries and the Bz component is close to zero here.

Effects of the IMF Azimuthal Component

fig04 The calculated regression relationships between latitudes of the oval boundaries and AE/Bz values made it possible to exclude AE/Bz effects in every observation of the oval. With this aim, we multiplied the appropriate values of AE and Bz by corresponding regression coefficients and subtracted the quantities obtained from observed oval latitudes. The oval boundaries, extrapolated in such a manner to the level AE = 0 and Bz= 0 , have been examined as a function of the By component. Analysis has been performed fig05 separately for the northern and southern hemispheres (Figures 4 and 5).

fig06 Whereas the equatorward boundary is hardly affected by the IMF azimuthal component, evidence of the By effect is found for poleward and HAP boundaries. Although the correlation in this case is insignificant as well, a certain regularity can be derived by comparison of the By effects in the northern and southern hemispheres for opposite signs of By . The results presented in Figure 4 for the northern hemisphere show that poleward and HAP boundaries tend to displace equatorward in the dawn sector and poleward in the dusk sector, when By changes direction from negative to positive. The opposite tendency is typical of the southern hemisphere (Figure 5), where the boundaries shift toward higher latitudes in the dawn sector and toward lower latitudes in the dusk sector when going from By < 0 to By > 0 . In spite of a large dispersion, the regression coefficients, describing the relationship between boundaries and By , turned out to be almost the same for the poleward and HAP boundaries in each MLT sector, implying that both boundaries displace in coordination while By changes. Such a regularity can be observed, if the region of soft auroral precipitation (that is, the region confined between poleward and HAP boundaries) displaces as a whole along the dawn-dusk meridian under the influence of the By component. Figure 6 shows the polar projection of all three boundaries, calculated for the By = 10 nT and By = -10 nT values in accordance with the derived regression relationships. One can see that the poleward and HAP boundaries displace dawnward in the northern hemisphere and duskward in the southern hemisphere when By changes from negative to positive values. It should be noted that displacement is maximum in the dawn-dusk and prenoon sectors and minimum in the nighttime (2000-0400 MLT) sector. The rate of the displacement is extremely small: about 0.15o in latitude per 1 nT change in By . The equatorward boundary does not show any regular response to By influence: the displacement in adjacent MLT sectors can be opposite, irrespective of By polarity.


Average oval and dispersion of the data.

The average global characteristics of precipitating electrons and ions have been determined by Hardy et al. [1985, 1989], using the data from the DMSP F6 and F7 satellites. The global patterns of the integral number flux and integral energy flux, presented in their study for seven levels of planetary magnetic activity index Kp , make it possible to detect the configuration of the region of precipitating auroral electrons and ions. Statistical analysis of the dependence of the auroral oval boundary shifts on geomagnetic activity and interplanetary magnetic field was carried out by Makita et al. [1983, 1988]. They used a method of boundary identification different from that in our analysis, namely, the equatorward and poleward boundaries of the oval were determined as the locations where the electron energy and number flux rises or drops noticeably from the background level. To identify the boundary between the hard and soft regions of electron precipitation (transition boundary), Makita et al. [1983, 1988] used the intensity in the 2.35-keV channel. The average distribution of precipitating electrons has been presented for geomagnetically active ( AE > 400 nT) and quiet (0 < AE < 150 nT) periods and for strongly northward IMF. Although one cannot directly compare the results obtained by Hardy et al. [1985, 1989] and Makita et al. [1983, 1988] with ours because different methods of analysis were used, it is worth noting the resemblance and distinction between the results.

The positions of the equatorward boundary derived by Hardy et al. [1989] and by us are in good agreement for both quiet ( Kp = 1 or AE = 50 nT) and disturbed (Kp = 4 or AE = 500 nT) conditions. The results for the poleward boundary are also quite consistent. It is evident that the use of precipitating ions forms the basis for agreement between these two patterns. The noon sector presents an exception, where our determination provides lower latitudes of the oval than those of Hardy et al. [1989], since we used only the data from the southern hemisphere in this MLT sector. The Makita et al. [1983, 1988] patterns regularly provide higher latitudes of the equatorward and poleward boundaries than our pattern. The latitudes of the poleward boundary in quiet conditions turned out to be the most inconsistent in our analysis and in that of Makita et al. [1988] owing to quite different methods of identification of this boundary. But the good agreement holds between the HAP boundary latitudes, identified by the flux of precipitating electrons with Ee > 1 keV in our analysis, and the transition boundary, identified by electrons with Ee > 2.35 keV by Makita et al. [1983, 1988].

It should be noted that the scatter plots of the oval boundaries presented by Makita et al. [1983, 1988] have demonstrated large dispersion of data. Putting into operation a new method of identification of the poleward and equatorward boundaries of the oval, derived from the well-defined quantitative criteria [Troshichev et al., 1996a], one could expect that the distribution of boundaries versus AE and Bz would be more regulated. However, the dispersion of boundaries was high (about pm 5o ) again; moreover the dispersion decreases insignificantly when excluding the derived AE and Bz effects. It means that boundary locations may differ from time to time (or from orbit to orbit) irrespective of similar external conditions (that is, the AE/Bz influence). This difference evidently originated because of undulating structures that developed on the poleward edge of the oval during substorms (auroral bulge, WTS, and omega bands) as well as owing to the high irregularity of particle precipitation in the auroral oval typical of any MLT sector under both disturbed and quiet conditions. Indeed, the global auroral images, obtained with high spatial resolution by the Viking UV camera, demonstrate an extremely jagged and/or spotted form of the poleward and equatorward edges of the aurora oval at all MLT hours (see, for example, Lui et al. [1995] and Elphinstone et al. [1995]). It would appear reasonable that similar regularity would be presented in measurements of precipitating particles. Thus we believe that large dispersion, revealed by various analyses in the position of the oval boundaries, is a natural result of high inhomogeneity in the auroral precipitation structure, which can dramatically vary from orbit to orbit.

Physical meaning of equatorward, HAP, and poleward boundaries.

The equatorward boundary of the auroral precipitation that we determined is adequate to the "zero-energy" convection boundary in the Newell et al. [1996] and Galperin and Feldstein [1996] schemes, where the electron and ion zero-energy cutoffs take place. Our analysis shows, similar to Newell et al. [1996], that these cutoffs coincide in about 80% of the passes in the dusk and dawn sectors. The equatorward boundary is close to the earthward edge of the central plasma sheet and plasmapause location [Galperin et al., 1977].

The poleward boundary of the auroral precipitation under conditions of a southward IMF is naturally identified with the boundary between closed magnetic field lines and open field lines connected directly with the IMF. For strongly northward IMF, the poleward boundary of the auroral oval can be regarded [Troshichev, 1990] as the mapping of a separatrix dividing earthward and antiearthward plasma flows in the distant plasma sheet. The results of the global MHD magnetospheric simulations under northward IMF conditions [Fedder and Lyon, 1995] show that the flow inside the magnetosphere is split into predominantly sunward flow at distances earthward of X = -90 RE and mainly tailward flow further down the magnetotail. These theoretical results find support in the GEOTAIL measurements in the distant tail [Nishida et al., 1994].

The hard auroral precipitation boundary is the boundary that divides the hard and soft zones of auroral electron precipitation. This boundary is often regarded as the ionospheric footprint of the boundary between the central plasma sheet and the boundary plasma sheet. Examining simultaneous ion drift and particle measurements from the DMSP spacecraft, Troshichev et al. [1996b] found that the large-scale plasma flow in the morning and evening sectors changes its direction within the auroral oval at the HAP boundary, which is to say that the ionospheric convection reversal occurs at the HAP boundary. There is also general concurrence between the HAP boundary and the region 1 field-aligned currents [Troshichev et al., 1996b]. The HAP boundary can be approximately identified with the boundary 3b in the Newell et al. [1996] scheme, where the most poleward electron spectra (which show signs of field-aligned acceleration) are seen, and with the boundary 3 in the Galperin and Feldstein [1996] scheme, where the most poleward bright auroral arc is observed. The region confined between HAP and poleward boundaries corresponds to the plasma sheet boundary layer in the Galperin and Feldstein [1996] scheme.

Shape of the statistical oval and effects of the azimuthal IMF.

Only the precipitating electron and related auroral distribution was usually examined when analyzing the oval configuration. Taking into account auroral ions, the equatorward and poleward boundaries of the oval, as well as the HAP boundary, turned out to resemble a circle after exclusion of Bz/AE effects (see Figure 6). The circular form of the HAP boundary has been shown by Troshichev et al. [1996b], using independent data on the ionospheric convection reversal. Holzworth and Meng [1984] concluded that the poleward boundary has a circular form. Our results, based on a good statistical set of data, support this conclusion. Our results also show that the HAP boundary closely follows the poleward boundary. Thus we come to an inference that the auroral oval is bordered by circle-shaped boundaries, and therefore the polar cap has a circularshape as well.

This inference is in obvious conflict with concepts of Lassen et al. [1988] and Elphinstone et al. [1990] on teardrop-shaped (or pear- shaped) form of the regular polar cap. According to Elphinstone et al. [1990], the influence of the By component would result in inflation of the premidnight or predawn segments of the polar cap, and therefore the maximum distortion of the oval poleward boundary would be seen in these very MLT sectors. However, the By component influence does not show such regularity. Indeed, a By -dependent displacement of the poleward and HAP boundaries is more evident just near the dawn/dusk meridian, whereas the displacement progressively diminishes when moving toward midnight. This regularity implies a shift of the circular polar cap as a whole toward dawn or dusk under the influence of By , in complete agreement with the theoretical prediction of Cowley [1981], the conclusion of Holzworth and Meng [1984] on the dawn-dusk shift of the auroral oval, and the Troshichev et al. [1996b] data on the correlation between the IMF By and the dawn-dusk shift of the center of the HAP circle.

It is meaningful that the By component substantially affects locations of the poleward and HAP boundaries, but not the equatorward boundary. Assuming that the HAP boundary corresponds to the inner edge of the boundary layer plasma sheet and that the equatorward boundary corresponds to the near-Earth edge of the central plasma sheet, we come to the conclusion that the influence of the interplanetary magnetic field is strong in the outer magnetosphere, which contains quasi-dipolar field lines, and is not essential in the inner magnetosphere with the dipolar field lines. By effects in the polar cap are usually regarded as a consequence of the reconnection of the interplanetary and geomagnetic field lines on the dayside magnetopause. The reconnected field lines are pulled by magnetic tension and carried downstream by the magnetosheath plasma. For the case of positive By , the reconnected field lines in the northern hemisphere would be pulled toward the dawnside of the polar cap as they are dragged tailward, and the reconnected field lines in the southern hemisphere would be pulled toward the duskside of the polar cap. In the course of this process, the polar cap boundary would evidently displace dawnside in the northern hemisphere and duskside in the southern hemisphere. As our results show, the boundary of hard electron precipitation displaces in close coordination with the poleward boundary. It means that the position of the ionospheric convection reversal is affected by the IMF azimuthal component [Troshichev et al., 1996b] as strongly as the polar cap boundary. The By penetration of the closed magnetospheric field lines would take place if the flux erosion creates an opening at the frontside magnetopause, and subsequently the closed field lines flow to fill in the hole [Newell et al., 1995]. A weak effect of the By component has been found even at synchronous orbit on the dayside [Cowley and Hughes, 1983]. Our results demonstrate an influence of By on the equatorward boundary in the southern hemisphere (0900-1100 MLT).


The poleward and equatorward boundaries of the auroral oval and the hard auroral precipitation boundary have been determined by an automated algorithm with allowance made for auroral ions. The results of the analysis show that all three boundaries are influenced by magnetic activity ( AE index) to a greater extent than by variations of the IMF vertical component. When the AE index and southward IMF increase, the statistical auroral oval in the noon, dawn, and dusk sectors displaces equatorward, keeping its width. The auroral oval in the midnight sector expands equatorward with magnetic activity increase mainly at the cost of an appropriate shift of the equatorward boundary.

The boundaries of the statistical auroral oval turned out to resemble circles after exclusion of the AE/Bz effects, the centers of the circles being inconsistent with each other and located along the noon-midnight meridian. Turning of the IMF By component from a negative to a positive direction produces displacement of the poleward and HAP boundaries toward dawn (dusk) in the northern (southern) hemisphere, whereas the equatorward boundary is not affected by the azimuthal IMF. The displacement is maximum in the dawn/dusk sectors and minimum in the nighttime sector. The polar cap looks like a circle, and no signatures of a teardrop- or pear-shaped polar cap are founded. Under the influence of the IMF By component, the polar cap is displaced as a whole toward dawn or dusk, depending on the sign of By .


This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 96-05-65823). The authors thank P. Newell for providing DMSP particle data.


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