GEOPHYSICAL    CENTER   of  the  Russian  Academy  of  Sciences

Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences was established as a research institution in 1992. It became the successor of the Soviet Geophysical Committee established in 1958 by the USSR government.

The main aim of the GCRAS is the basic research investigations and applied developments in the areas of geophysics and geoinformatics.

The main directions of GCRAS activity are:

  • theoretical and applied researches in geoinformatics;
  • information support of planetary geophysical investigations, including management of the World Data Centers on Physics of the Solid Earth and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, implementation of modern information technologies to gathering, processing, preservation, and distribution of Earth Science data, publishing results of geophysical research;
  • theoretical and field investigations of Earth interior properties and dynamic processes including seismicity;
  • complex investigations of various geophysical fields and processes, including ionosphere, near space, and solar-terrestrial relations;
  • acting as a basic organisation for the National Geophysical Committee of Russian Federation, Russian CODATA Committee, and World Data Centers in Russia.

    For more detail see the official website of the Geophysical Center RAS

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